
The news described in Westwood Minute's Police Log article series is primarily based on selected information from the Westwood Police Department's daily log and information provided by Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and police staff. Occasionally, a few facts from other sources may be woven into these stories.
Contractor Goes on Buying Spree with Resident’s Credit Card
3:33 p.m. A resident of Hawthorn Street complained that a contractor had placed charges totaling $16,335 on the resident’s credit card. The resident had hired the general contractor to perform work at the resident’s property. When the resident left town, the resident gave the contractor a credit card to buy building materials.
Upon returning, the resident discovered $16,335 of charges on the credit card that were unrelated to construction materials. They included a university tuition payment and an insurance payment.
When confronted, the contractor reportedly expressed surprise. He stated the belief that he was authorized to use the card for non-construction purposes, in exchange for his labor on the construction job.
Police visited the residence and assisted with delivering a notice of trespass to the contractor. Police are filing a criminal complaint against the contractor for credit card fraud of over $1,200.
Audi Owner Gets Gas Guzzled
5:29 p.m. A resident of Attleboro complained to police that half a tank of gas was missing from his Audi, after he had dropped it off for service at Prime Audi on Providence Highway.
The man informed police that using an Audi-specific phone app, he learned that during the time his car was in possession of the auto shop, his vehicle was driven to West Bridgewater at speeds up to 96 m.p.h. In West Bridgewater, it appeared to have stopped at a parts facility. The same trip was repeated the next day, according to the complainant’s phone app.
An officer spoke to Prime Audi’s general manager who noted that the vehicle was taken for two test drives, and that a 50 mile round trip road test was within company policy. However, the manager also informed the officer that the employee performing the test drive had been terminated from the company for unrelated reasons.
Police informed the complainant that no crime had been committed, and that the man’s complaint against the company would be civil in nature.
Buying a Russian Blue Kitten Online
9:46 a.m. A resident of Tamarack Road reported a possible internet scam to police. He had found a breeder of Russian blue kittens online at Through an online banking app, he paid $700 for his new pet plus $250 for shipping.
The day following his order, a “Kevin Villamar” contacted the resident, claiming bad weather was impeding shipment of the kitten. The caller requested an additional $3,500 to expedite shipping, to ensure that the kitten would not die.
When the resident’s online banking app failed to complete the additional payment, Mr. Villamar told the complainant to instead purchase $3,500 in Walmart gift cards and to send Mr. Villamar the gift card numbers by email. The resident suspected a scam and made a report to police.
Shoplifting Charge Multiplies into Much More for a Fugitive
8:59 p.m. Police were dispatched to Wegmans where asset protection staff informed police that a man and woman were suspected to be using stolen credit cards. They had also been in the store earlier that afternoon.
Store video showed one of the parties using multiple credit cards at various checkout locations in Wegmans, while attempting to purchase gift cards.
The woman was unable to be located inside the store, but police located and arrested the man, 28 year-old Marc Louissaint of Boston. One officer was injured when Mr. Louissaint tried to flee.
Police are charging Mr. Louissaint with a long list of offenses, including assault and battery on a police officer, assault and battery with a deadly weapon (the vehicle), and credit card fraud. He was also charged with being a fugitive from justice, after police discovered a warrant for his arrest for fraud in Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania, he was being investigated by the United States Secret Service.
Read more details here: Westwood Police Arrest Fraud Suspect, Discover He's a Fugitive Wanted by U.S. Secret Service.
Officers Interrupt Shoplifting in Progress
11:33 p.m. Police responded to Wegmans to help loss prevention staff confirm the identity of a woman from Dedham who had walked out of the grocery store with about $210 in merchandise, without paying. The woman was given a notice of trespass. She was removed from the store.
While the two officers were still in the store, they were alerted to a shoplifting in progress. A man and a woman had walked out with a full cart, without paying. Police found the suspects in the parking lot, where they admitted to taking the items.
The shoplifted merchandise was worth $2,963.41 and consisted of grocery and cleaning supplies, dog food, and high-end cuts such as a $200 roast, ribeye and tenderloin steaks.
Police arrested the 50 year-old man from Roslindale and the 47 year-old woman from Dedham. They were each charged with larceny over $1,200 and shoplifting, and issued a notice of trespass.
Luck Runs Out for Shoplifter
12:01 a.m. A member of Wegman’s asset protection staff came into the Westwood Police station to report that the same Dedham woman, who had been given a notice of trespass from Wegmans on December 30th for attempting to shoplift $210 worth of items, had perpetrated a shoplifting at the store on December 18th.
The Wegman’s asset protection representative informed police that this Dedham woman had worked together with the same 47 year-old Dedham woman whom Westwood Police had just arrested for shoplifting, together with a man, on December 30th.
Store video showed the two women loading approximately $660 worth of unpaid groceries into a vehicle. Police will be preparing additional summons for shoplifting, based on this evidence.
Helping Homeless Man Get Medical Detoxification
12:30 a.m. Police officers were dispatched to the Courtyard Marriott in response to a call about a 25-year old man who needed help getting to the hospital. Police arrived and found an apparently homeless man from Worcester sitting in the lobby.
The man informed police that he needed to get to a hospital because he was detoxing from methamphetamine and cocaine. Westwood Fire paramedics transported him in an ambulance. An officer rode alongside him because the man was becoming agitated.
At the hospital, the officer gave the man a notice of trespass, informing him that he would be subject to arrest if he returned to the hotel.
Sherlock Holmes of Westwood
1:16 p.m. A resident approached an officer who was stationed at Summer and Grove streets. The resident reported that on December 27th, the resident found damage to a stone wall on the resident’s property. It appeared to be from a motor vehicle crash.
The officer examined the crash site. There were pieces of plastic, apparently from the vehicle, that were left behind. The officer determined the parts likely belonged to a Mercedes-Benz AMG which appeared to have made too wide a turn from Summer Street onto Grove Street, striking the resident’s wall. Police are investigating to see if the vehicle parts can be connected with a specific vehicle.
Thanks to Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and the Westwood Police Department for contributing information for this article.