Westwood Poets Join Forces with Westwood Artists at Annual Art Exhibit, February 1-28


Writers from the Westwood Library Tuesday Evening Poetry Workshop are partnering this year with the Westwood Artists group, writing poems for works featured in this year’s annual exhibit at the Westwood Library gallery. Westwood artists founders Carol Ahearn, Lisa WB Walker and Karen Flowers Cagan graciously responded to Westwood Poet Laureate Lynne Viti’s invitation to have  poetry workshop members  create poems inspired by paintings, photographs, ceramics and textile works in this year’s show.

The poems are a type of writing known as ekphrastic, meaning poems written about particular works of art. Poets who contributed to this project include workshop members Gail Mann, Mike Dwyer, Debra David, Sherri Stepakoff, Jan Brogan and Elizabeth Johnston.  Lynne Viti and two guest poets, former Westwood resident Jennifer M. Phillips and Jamaica Plain poet Queen Hodge also  wrote original poems for the project.

 Along with the 28 art works on view, the poems will be available to read in the library gallery during the exhibit’s run, which continues through February 28. The exhibit is free and open to the public during library hours.

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