Bicyclist Injured in Hit-and-Run on Pond Street, Mother Seeks Help Identifying Culprit (Updated 10/11/22)


Photo by Darlene Wong Cancell. The hit-and-run of Thursday, October 6th was initially reported as taking place at the intersection of Pond and Clapboardtree Streets (pictured). New information indicates it was between Clapboardtree and Martingale Lane.

A young man from Medfield was injured in a hit-and-run accident this Thursday, October 6, 2022 around 6:00 p.m. while riding his bike in Westwood on Pond Street after a landscaper's truck “sideswiped” him, said Sheri Jubber, the bicyclist’s mother. The police report indicates that the incident took place outside address that is located between Clapboardtree Street and Martingale Lane.

Ms. Jubber’s son, whom she requested not be named, had been biking south on Pond Street, at a speed which she estimates to be around 20 m.p.h. A pickup truck towing a trailer with landscaping equipment came alongside him, providing no clearance, said Ms. Jubber. It sideswiped her son, causing him to fall to the ground. The vehicle itself kept going without stopping.

“I want to find the person who hit him,” said Ms. Jubber, who contacted Westwood Minute with this story, hoping that someone may be able to provide information about the perpetrator.

Ms. Jubber initially noted that the vehicle was black. Two witnesses, who saw the vehicle departing but did not see the impact, appear to have described the vehicle as white, says Ms. Jubber, describing what she read in the police report. New information seems to indicate that the vehicle was a white truck that was towing a black trailer.

Ms. Jubber was in Medfield, taking a walk with her husband and their dog when she received a call from her son from the scene.

“He said, ‘Mom, I’ve been hit by a truck,’” she recounted. He passed the phone to a woman who was there, with him. The woman described his condition to Ms. Jubber as bruised and with a bloody knee, and bleeding all over. They informed Ms. Jubber that they had called an ambulance.

“We ran home as fast as we could,” said Ms. Jubber.

Ms. Jubber and her husband speedily drove to meet their son at the Emergency Room of Beth Israel Deaconess Needham. On the way, they were pulled over by Medfield Police. After hearing their explanation, police expressed an inability to escort them, cautioned them to keep to the speed limit, and allowed them to continue without a ticket, she says. 

Ms. Jubber notes that her son has some lacerations requiring stitches, scrapes, soreness and bruising. She says her son is thankful for spending money on a good helmet, commenting that it probably saved his life.

“I just want to know who would keep driving after hitting someone off a bike. I want the number of the [landscaping] company so I can tell them what their worker did to my son,” says Ms. Jubber. 

Ms. Jubber has contacted her own landscaper and asked if he could be alert to any related information. She learned from him that so many landscaping trucks pass by that same area at the hour of the incident, that identifying the hit-and-run vehicle would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

“He said there’s a landscaping truck every three minutes at 6 p.m. The only hope is if you get lucky with a camera," commented Ms. Jubber.

Ms. Jubber noted that Westwood Police are investigating into whether nearby residents may have Ring video doorbells that may have captured footage of the incident.

On Tuesday, October 11, 2022, Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy of the Westwood Police Department informed Westwood Minute that a solid lead has developed to determining the identity of the driver. 

Thanks to Sheri Jubber and her son for sharing their family's story with Westwood Minute. We wish him a full and speedy recovery.

Updated 10/11/22 at 11:06 p.m. New information has been added, and location of the incident has been further refined.

Updated 10/09/22 at 2:34 p.m. New information and clarifications have been added and certain medical and personal information have been deleted. 

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