Canton Fire Department Delivers Baby in Back of Ambulance


Canton Fire Department assisted in safely delivering an early-arriving baby on the afternoon of Tuesday, July 9th, in the back of an ambulance, announced Chief Wendell Robery on Wednesday evening.

Shortly after 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Canton Fire responded to a call of a medical emergency at 640 Washington Street in Canton. They found a woman in labor, in a parked vehicle located in the parking lot behind a commercial building.

A family member accompanying the woman informed paramedics that they were trying to get to a Boston hospital. Canton Fire paramedics transferred the laboring woman to the ambulance and began the transport to the hospital.

However, when it became clear that delivery was imminent, the paramedics pulled the ambulance to the side of the road. Canton Fire paramedics are trained to handle emergency births. Their ambulances are equipped with delivery kits which include newborn blankets.

The mother safely delivered a baby girl, assisted by Canton Fire Lt. Ryan Patrician, Firefighter Keith Ryan, Firefighter Tom Brown, Firefighter Alana Burke, and Firefighter Doug Connor. 

Following the delivery, the ambulance continued on to Good Samaritan Medical Center in Brockton. 

"It was a healthy, uncomplicated birth, and our understanding is that the mother and the baby are doing well," said Chief Robery.

Thanks to Canton Fire Department for sharing this news with Westwood Minute.

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