
Thanks to Westwood Public Schools for contributing this news to Westwood Minute.
Imagine a school for superheroes where you are the only student without one. That’s reality for the heroine of “The Super Non-Heroes,” a comedy with an important message about friendship that sixth-graders at Westwood’s Thurston Middle School are currently rehearsing.
The plot follows Charlie, who must dig deep within herself when the school is attacked by a supervillain. Ariandne Motsenigos plays the role of Charlie.
“It’s really fun because [Charlie] starts off being kind of meek and she’s bullied a bit,” said Motsenigos. “Then she ends up saving the day even though she doesn’t have any superpowers.”
Several students are relishing their roles as evil sidekicks.
“After the first rehearsal I was really excited,” said Evil Sidekick Trey DiCicco. “I got to choose my supervillain name, which is Ice Tray. I have the power of freezing.”
The show is directed by Jennifer Walsh who teaches Drama at Thurston Middle School.
“This is a fun show with a lot of parts for our sixth-graders,” said Walsh. “The kids are excited to bring this show to the stage, and we hope family, friends and Westwood residents will come to support them.”
Sixty five sixth graders make up the cast and crew which is being assisted by technical staff from several Westwood High School students.
The show is being presented at the Westwood High School auditorium on Friday, Nov. 22 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 23 at 3 p.m. Tickets can be purchased in advance at this link.