Police Log: Attempted Theft at Westwood Car Dealership Fits Pattern of Nationwide Scam, Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle, and Other Stories


Image by Westwood Minute/Darlene Wong Cancell.
Image by Westwood Minute/Darlene Wong Cancell.

The news described in Westwood Minute's weekly Police Log article series is primarily based on selected incidents from the Westwood Police Department's daily log, and information provided by Lieutenant Michael DiLalla and police staff through written records and conversations. Occasionally, Westwood Minute may weave a few facts that it obtains from other sources into these stories.

Monday, March 17th

Shoplifting Suspect Flees after Struggle with Store Staff

8:10 a.m. Staff at the Target store on University Avenue reported a theft and struggle with a suspect who fled. Staff attempted to stop a suspect from leaving the store, after the person reportedly bypassed the cash registers without paying. After a brief struggle, the suspect fled by entering the passenger side of a grey BMW, which had been loaded with the stolen items. The merchandise is estimated to be worth $346. They included an air fryer and other items. One air fryer was recovered.

Saturday, March 15th

Identity Theft to Purchase iPhones and Cellular Service

12:20 p.m. A resident of Burgess Avenue reported that his wife was billed over $2,000 for a Verizon account which she did not open. It appears that someone purchased two iPhone 16 Pros using his wife’s identity. The resident is disputing the bill, and a fraud alert has been placed on the wife’s credit card. No financial loss has been reported.

Disorderly Conduct on Amtrak Train

10:46 p.m. Police received a report of a disorderly person on the train headed into Westwood’s Route 128 station. The individual reportedly failed to pay his fare, and was uncooperative with Amtrak staff. Police located him in the train station’s upstairs lobby. The suspect told police that there was a misunderstanding with the conductor. The case was referred to Amtrak Police.

Disturbance on Fisher Street

11:03 p.m. Police received a call from Fisher Street, complaining of teenagers banging on doors. Police did not find any suspects upon investigation.

Friday, March 14th

Theft of Items from Apartment Bedroom

12:40 p.m. A resident of Gables University Station apartments reported that someone that taken his ring and watch from his apartment. The resident noted that when he left his apartment the previous day around 9:00 a.m., both his ring and watch were on top of his bedroom dresser. When he returned at 11:00 a.m., the resident found both items missing. In searching for them, he discovered that $200 cash also was missing from insider a drawer. The total value of the missing items with cash is estimated to be about $2,200. He contacted police on the following day.

The resident also noted that a security guard reported that the rear door of his car, which was parked in the apartment complex parking lot, was found open. The resident reported this was strange, because he never opens that door. Nothing appeared to be missing from the car.

Nationwide Scam Shows Up at Westwood Car Dealership

2:57 p.m. Police were dispatched to Mercedes-Benz of Westwood on Providence highway to take a report of attempted theft. The shop manager reported that the prior day, the driver of a transport vehicle arrived at the dealership and claimed to be on assignment to pick up a 2020 Mercedes-Benz vehicle for a swap with another dealer. However, the driver was only able to provide the last several digits of the vehicle’s VIN, and not the whole VIN. Additionally, the driver was unable to provide a bill of lading.

The manager became suspicious and spoke with someone alleged to be the driver’s boss on the phone. The alleged boss said he would send over the bill of lading. The manager noted that the boss never asked for an email address to which the bill of lading could be sent.

Mercedes-Benz Westwood called Silver Star Motors in Long Island, New York, the latter which was expecting a motor vehicle from the Westwood dealership. The Westwood dealership inquired into the name of the transport company to be used and inquired about the driver which the Silver Star Motors had engaged for the transport.

In the meantime, the suspicious driver of the transport vehicle was waiting in the office of the Westwood dealership. He appeared nervous, according to the manager’s report to police. The driver departed without taking any vehicles from the Westwood dealership.

Eventually, the New York dealership provided the name of the transport company to the Westwood dealership. It was different than the company which the suspicious truck driver had claimed to represent.

The manager informed Westwood Police that at Mercedes-Benz dealerships around the country, a similar scam has been reported. The manager told police that fraudsters, who have access to the dealerships’ data, learn when vehicles are planned for transport. The fraudsters then arrive at dealerships, claiming to represent the transport company, in a scheme to take and steal vehicles ahead of the time that legitimate transport companies arrive.

Fight Among Friends

10:43 p.m. Police responded to a home in Westwood on the report of a disturbance. They found a male party with bumps and scratch marks, who appeared as if he had just been in a fight. He refused medical attention. The officer detected a strong odor of alcohol on him. Police learned that the male was the friend of a resident of the home, and that he had been punched by the resident. It appears that the homeowner, a parent of the resident, wished for the male friend to leave, but was not having success with the request. Police charged the resident with assault and battery and provided the injured friend with a courtesy transport away from the home. 

Thursday, March 13th

Three-Car Collision

6:58 a.m. Police responded to a crash involving three vehicles traveling north on Fox Hill Road. They were approaching the High Street intersection, with a Honda sedan at the front, followed by a Toyota sedan, and trailed by a Volkswagen. The police report indicates that as the vehicles slowed before the intersection, the Toyota rear-ended the Honda. Additionally, the Volkswagen rear-ended the Toyota. The driver of the trailing Volkswagen was transported to the hospital with injuries. Police issued a ticket to the driver of the Toyota for following too closely.

Wednesday, March 12th

Act of Vandalism Floods Home

9:17 a.m. An officer responded to a residence on Stonemeadow Drive for a report of malicious property damage. The homeowner reported that around 7:00 a.m., he received a call from his tile contractor who told him that a water line was left open overnight, with the result that the house was flooded. 

There was about one inch of standing water in both the kitchen along with the basement, which was directly below the kitchen. Standing water was observed on new hardwood floors. The carpet leading to the basement was water-logged. The drop ceiling of the basement was destroyed. A contractor has estimated that repairs would cost about $150,000 to $200,000.

The back door of the home was reportedly found unlocked and ajar when the contractor arrived. The homeowner has told police that there was no reason for anyone to enter the house after the homeowner had secured it the previous night.

Dog Bite

12:01 p.m. A resident of Spellman Road reported that while walking her dog on Downey Street, it was attacked by an off leash dog and bitten. She showed police a small cut to her dog’s front leg. 

Police spoke with the owner of the biting dog, who confirmed that his wife had been out for a walk, during which time his dog bit the other dog. Westwood's animal control officer spoke with the owner of the biting dog, and advised the owner that a leash would have prevented the incident. 

The biting dog will be quarantined for 10 days.

Tuesday, March 11th

Arrest for Operating Vehicle after License Suspension

5:45 p.m. An officer conducting stationary traffic enforcement in the area of Providence Highway and Glacier Drive observed a grey Honda Accord traveling south, and noted that its registered owner had a suspended license for failure to pay child support. The officer made the traffic stop. The driver claimed to be unaware of his license status. The 36 year-old man from Charleston was arrested for operating a motor vehicle after license suspension. He was later released on personal recognizance.

Monday, March 10th

One Thing Leads to Another

4:22 p.m. An officer conducting stationary traffic enforcement on High Street observed a 2004 Toyota Avalon without a valid inspection sticker. Upon making a traffic stop, the officer learned that the driver’s license had been suspended for failure to pay fines and costs. The Avalon was towed, and the owner and operator was issued a criminal citation for operating a motor vehicle on a suspended license.

Vehicle Strikes Pedestrian

5:37 p.m. An officer responded to the intersection of University Avenue and Blue Hill Drive where a pedestrian was reported to have been hit by a motor vehicle. The pedestrian told the officer that he was in a crosswalk, attempting to cross the street, when he was struck. 

Two witnesses reported the same, and described the vehicle as a white sedan. They additionally told police that they saw the victim flip in the air and then land on the ground. One witness had captured a photo of the car and driver.

Police located a white, Chevrolet Malibu, operated by a female driver. She told police that she did not see the victim before hitting him. She told police that the victim was in her blind spot. Police did not find any visible damage to the vehicle.

The victim was transported to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Needham. The driver, who was not injured, was cited for failing to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk.

Dog Attacks Dog

5:58 p.m. A resident of Currier Lane told police that he was walking his dog near his home when his dog was attacked by one of two unleashed dogs, which he believed resided on Canton Terrace. He was unsure whether his dog had been bitten. 

An officer spoke to the owner of the unleashed dogs. The owner confirmed that the confrontation had occurred and noted that his dogs were uninjured. 

All dogs were reported to have been vaccinated. The case was forwarded to the animal control officer.

Thanks to Lieutenant Michael DiLalla and the Westwood Police Department for contributing information for this Westwood Minute article.

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