
Dedham Westwood Water District (DWWD) has announced that Stage 1-E mandatory water restrictions, which prohibit any outdoor lawn watering, will go in effect on Thursday, July 28, 2022.
DWWD issued a statement explaining, "These restrictions are being put in place due to the excessive heat and drought conditions which have caused the water supply to drop significantly. There is no forecast of rainfall in the forseeable future. Without rainfall, the supply will not be recharged and continue to drop." DWWD continued, "Therefore, no outside lawn watering will be permitted."
The new restriction supercedes the restriction that had been imposed by DWWD on July 21, 2022, which had limited the hours of use for outdoor lawn sprinklers to three hours in the morning and three hours in the evening on Tuesdays and Fridays.
As was the case previously, under the July 28th restriction, hand-held hoses may be used anytime, on any day, to water flowers or vegetables.
While not a mandate, DWWD has suggested that residents take the option to help conserve water by using hand-held hoses or watering cans outdoors after 5:00 p.m. or before 9:00 a.m.
Sunny, with a high of 48 and low of 33 degrees. Sunny during the morning, clear in the afternoon and evening, cloudy overnight.