
In celebration of Chinese New Year, Westwood Chinese School students, staff, and families held a potluck and students put on performances in the Westwood High School cafeteria. The room was nearly packed with an audience that was interested and focused on the show and display of culture. Below are some photos and videos of the evening's entertainment.
With assistance of friendly adults, the youngest children took turns displaying their cultural costumes, worn specially for the event.
Sifu Todd Livingston, an instructor of martial arts at Chinese language schools throughout the local region, leads his students in a demonstration of choreographed kung fu movements.
A student performs a recitation in the Mandarin dialect in traditional costume.
Student announcers emceed the evening, speaking both Mandarin and English, as the occasion called for.
Young students sang songs that they had learned in Mandarin, set to the familiar tune of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes."
Student emcees dressed to impress in traditional Chinese silk garb.
Updated 1/23/2023. Typographical error corrected.
Hi Darlene, Thank you for attending and posting the event!
Thanks for the invitation, Jiepingli! It was an impressive showcase of student talent (and by extension, Chinese language/culture teaching). Please continue to me know about any upcoming WCS events/news to share with the community or feel free to create a self-posted event or article anytime! Happy New Year!