
Thanks to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts for contributing this news to Westwood Minute.
WESTWOOD, Mass. – On April 17, Nick Draper, 26, of Westwood, will run in the Boston Marathon. He will run to raise money and awareness for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts, the state’s leading one-to-one mentoring program for youth.
Nick is one of three Boston Marathon runners hitting the pavement and fundraising for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts (BBBS) this year. His goal is to raise $5,000 to support the cause.
“I am running for BBBS because of the immense impact they have on the lives of children,” says Draper, a longtime friend and supporter of the agency. “BBBS is one of the best programs out there - it sets up children with role models they would not have access to otherwise. They create unique friendships that not only benefits the child but also the Big Brother or Big sister!”
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts serves youth who are in need of support from additional caring adults in their lives. Children are paired with mentors across Eastern Massachusetts from the Merrimack Valley to Cape Code and Islands. The organization’s signature community-based program pairs adult mentors with youth, ages 7-12, in one-to-one matches based on shared interests, geography and personality. The organization also has a school-based program, campus-based program and Mentor 2.0, a technology-based program. In its 74th year, the largest Big Brothers Big Sisters affiliate in New England has created and served more than 20,000 matches. This school year, the nonprofit aims to serve nearly 4,000 youth.
For more information, to become a volunteer or to register your children, visit: