Meet Westwood Artist Maureen Obey: Painter of Oils and Pastels


Photo courtesy of Maureen Obey. Westwood Artist Maureen Obey is a painter in oils and pastels. Here, she spends time with plein air painting.

Maureen Obey was drawn to art from a very young age, but it was only about ten years ago that she felt she could officially call herself an artist.

"At first, it was a bit uncomfortable saying, 'I am an artist,' but as I learned more and developed confidence and began selling my work, the words became easier," she says.

Photo courtesy of Maureen Obey. This oil by Maureen Obey is titled, Corporation Beach, Dennis, Cape Cod.

A painter of oils and pastels, she is inspired by how shadows are cast, sunlight pouring onto land, the color of the ocean, or the physicality of a child who is unaware of a camera.

Ms. Obey has been honing her craft daily for over a decade, and does so with great focus and intensity. "When I am painting, I am in a zone and forget everything around me," she says. 

First starting with water colors and charcoal in her twenties, Ms. Obey later discovered magic in the creaminess of oils and the vibrancy of soft pastels.

Photo courtesy of Maureen Obey. This pastel was composed on the property of Hale Education in Westwood.

Ms. Obey was excited to discover the community of Westwood Artists. "It's so inspirational and motivating to be with people who understand your love of the arts and [who] create such beautiful work, she says.

Thanks to Maureen Obey for sharing her story with Westwood Minute.

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