
The following opinion article represents the views and opinions of the author, and not necessarily those of Westwood Minute.
By Kathy Wallace
With all due respect to Peter Ittig PhD, I need to respond to his 1/8/24 opinion piece in the Westwood Minute. I have closely followed the conditions and circumstances at the Westwood Fire Department for the last 18 months.
I agree taxes are high and it negatively impacts everyone. It is a valid question to ask if the town can do a better job managing expenses. Residents should contact Select Board members and attend Select Board meetings to share their thoughts.
The solution is NOT to delay the Fire Station 1 Project. Marianne Leblanc Cummings, Select Board Chair, narrated a 5 minute video about the need for this project. Please take 5 minutes to watch this video; it is very well done. Here is the link:
Let’s come together as a community on Wednesday 1/17/24 6:30pm in the Westwood High School Auditorium and show our collective support for this design funding for the Fire Station 1 project and for our incredible firefighters, who risk their lives to keep us safe. The approval of the design and bid documents will not impact taxes. This will be a quick town meeting as there are only two articles. I hope to see many of you there. Thank you.
Thanks to Kathy Wallace, a Westwood resident, for contributing this opinion article to Westwood Minute.
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