
Thanks to Dr. Lynne Viti, Westwood Poet Laureate, for contributing this news to Westwood Minute.
Calling all teen poets—whether “page” poets, spoken word or slam. The Town of Westwood is looking for a new poet laureate, as the incumbent, Westhill High senior Lucie Sechler, will come to the end of her one-year term on May 31. Applications for Westwood Youth Poet Laureate for 2024-2025 are now open to students in grades 8 through 11 who live in Westwood or attend school in Westwood.
Duties of the Youth Poet Laureate include writing original poems for the library website and reciting these at special town occasions such as Westwood Day, the Town-Wide Poetry Reading, and other civic events. The Youth Poet Laureate will work in collaboration with the Poet Laureate to give workshops, participate in cultural events, and develop their own poetry project. Although this is a volunteer position, the Youth Poet Laureate will, upon completion of their year, receive a $100 gift certificate to a nearby bookstore.
To apply, send a cover letter stating your interest and your experience to date in writing and studying poetry; your reasons for applying for this position; the following statement— “I am the sole author of the cover letter contents and all poems in my writing sample”; names and contact information for 2 references, and five pages of your original poetry. All applications must be sent in Word or PDF format, via email, by midnight, Thursday, March 28, 2024, to
Updated 3/13/2024 at 9:11 a.m. Updated with a revised application deadline.