Officers Free Owl from Entanglement in Soccer Net


Photo courtesy of Deni Goldman. An owl was caught in a soccer net at Westwood's Sheehan School on Sunday, August 18, 2024.

On Sunday afternoon, August 18th, one feathered friend "found out the hard way, that goal keeping is harder than it looks," said Animal Control Officer Deni Goldman in a Facebook post that she shared with Westwood Minute after she and three other members of Westwood Police Department successfully worked to free an owl that became entangled in a soccer net on Sheehan School's field.

Officers Mark Randlett and Brad Pindel along with Sergeant Joe Rached were first to respond, following the report by a community member. The officers cut out a section of the soccer net, freeing the owl. 

Photo courtesy of Deni Goldman. Westwood Police cut through a soccer net to free a trapped owl.

When ACO Goldman arrived, the officers' "next play" was to cut and removed netting that was embedded in the owl's feathers and wrapped around its neck. An hour after the initial call, the owl was freed, and flew away.

Photo courtesy of Deni Goldman. The owl that was trapped in a Sheehan School soccer net gazes with wide, yellow eyes at its heroes.

"No doubt the owl was feeling a bit of an off sides in this 4 on 1 offensive strategy," wrote ACO Goldman. "[H]owever, after some successful teamwork - while being very closely watched by the eyes of an opponent able to swivel its neck 270 degrees in both directions - we were able to successfully sever the rope and set the owl free!  Final Score: WPD 1 Owl 1." 

Thanks to Animal Control Officer Deni Goldman for contributing this news to Westwood Minute.

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