
The news described in Westwood Minute's weekly Police Log article series is primarily based on selected incidents from the Westwood Police Department's daily log, and information provided by Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and police staff through written records and conversations. Occasionally, Westwood Minute may weave a few facts that it obtains from other sources into these stories.
Driver Gets Third Citation This Year for Driving on a Suspended License
2:09 a.m. A police cruiser was headed westbound on East Street when the officer saw a red, electric Kia speed by. Radar showed the vehicle was travelling at 58 m.p.h. in a 35 m.p.h. zone. The officer made the traffic stop.
The driver, a man from Brockton, claimed to be unaware of speeding. The officer discovered that the driver’s license had been suspended since March 2023 for an accumulation of points, and that the driver had previously been charged earlier this year with operating a motor vehicle after suspension. The officer issued the driver a criminal citation for speeding and for operating a motor vehicle after suspension - the driver’s third such violation this year.
Creepy. . . or Helpful?
12:53 p.m. A customer of Lambert’s Rainbow Market on Providence Highway told police that while he was shopping, a stranger approached his 11 year-old daughter who was seated at a table outside the store. His daughter texted him to come outside because of a “creepy man” outside.
The man, who is described as wearing sweatpants that were rolled up to reveal a tattoo on his calf, reportedly asked if the girl was scared of him, asked who she was with, whether she was alone, and whether she needed something to eat or drink. The interaction made the child uncomfortable.
The complainant informed the officer that he would discuss the incident with his child and teach her how to handle such situations in the future.
Parking Demand
2:04 p.m. An officer took a report from a resident of Gables University Station apartments on University Avenue, regarding a threatening note left on the resident’s vehicle. The note stated that the resident always parks “in a wall spot” in the apartment garage and advised the resident to cease parking there.
The resident reported that the resident typically parks in a less crowded area of the garage and does not know who left the note. The resident made a report to police because the resident feared that the note-writer might escalate behavior to damaging the resident’s vehicle.
Sister and Brother Suspected of Shoplifting are Trespassed from Store
6:34 p.m. Asset protection personnel from the Target store on University Avenue reported a shoplifting incident in which a female was observed concealing items in her cart to avoid paying for them. The female, who was shopping with her two-year old child, is believed to have taken items from other Target stores in Norfolk County, and left without paying.
In this instance, asset protection staff observed her go to a cashier, place items on a belt to be rung up, while she left other items at the bottom of her cart, covered by Target shopping bags. The value of the hidden items was $234 worth of health and beauty supplies, cat food, and other items. The woman, a 32 year-old from Mattapan, was accompanied by her brother. Both suspects were trespassed from Target stores in Norfolk County for one year. The female will be summoned to court for shoplifting.
Jewelry Stolen in Breaking and Entering on Westfield Street
10:02 p.m. Police responded to a home on Westfield Street to take a report of a breaking and entering into the home. The homeowner reported returning home to find that the house had been searched and rummaged through. Police entered the home and cleared it, to ensure its safety for the resident to re-enter. Police observed that several areas of the home were “ransacked,” including the kitchen and a bedroom. Other rooms were also disturbed. The initial investigation found that jewelry was missing, worth at least $10,000. This case under investigation.
OUI Arrest of Walpole Resident
10:20 p.m. The police report indicates that a 2023 Kia operated by a man from Walpole was traveling westbound on Hemlock Drive at a high rate of speed when it lost control, left the road, ran over the front yards of two residences, before stopping back on the street after striking a utility pole. The incident caused damage to the front lawn of one home and to the vehicle itself. The Kia had blown a front tire, and the right side of the Kia’s body was damaged. It was disabled and required a tow.
The driver, a 23-year old man from Walpole, reportedly told police that he was unfamiliar with the roads. Police formed the opinion that he was operating the vehicle under the influence of liquor, and cited him accordingly. He was also cited for negligent operation of a motor vehicle and a marked lanes violation. He was arrested and released two hours later on bail that was set at personal recognizance.
Live Round of Ammunition Found on Resident’s Driveway
12:59 p.m. A resident of a multiunit dwelling on Washington Street reported finding a live round of ammunition at the end of the resident’s driveway around 8:30 a.m. in the morning. Another resident told police that around 1:00 a.m., the sound of a car pulling into the driveway could be heard. The second resident saw a dark sedan pulling partly into the driveway, and heard two people speaking. Police advised the residents to call immediately if further suspicious activity occurs.
Angry Caller Threatens Store Manager with Assault
7:27 p.m. An officer was dispatched to the CVS store on Washington Street to take a report of a threatening phone call. The store manager told police that someone called the pharmacy and complained about being double charged for a prescription. The angered caller reportedly was yelling and told the manager that the customer would come into the store that night to assault the manager. The identity of the caller is unknown. Police advised the manager to immediately call 911 if the threatened situation were to occur.
Unwelcome Return to Westwood
7:34 p.m. A resident of Far Reach Road complained to police that an unknown vehicle was driving on the resident’s front lawn. A responding officer found a blue SUV in front of the home with several people standing around it. The officer recognized the driver as a former Westwood resident. The driver apparently knew the homeowner but had not seen the homeowner for a number of years. Police sent the driver on his way.
Hit and Run Vehicle Collision with Residence’s Fence
8:19 a.m. An officer responded to a residence on Brookfield Road to take a report of property damage to a fence, which the resident found an 8 to 10 foot section of it knocked down that morning. The investigating officer concluded that a motor vehicle had travelled over the sidewalk and collided with the home’s wooden stockade fence, knocking over a section and stopping at a small tree what was positioned about 3 feet behind the fence on the homeowner’s property.
Another Missing Campaign Sign
8:31 p.m. A resident of Wildwood Drive reported that a campaign sign for Kamala Harris, which had been left standing for a number of weeks, was now missing upon returning home on the evening of November 11th. The resident checked with neighbors and adjoining yards to see if the sign may have been blown away, but did not find the sign.
Thanks to Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and the Westwood Police Department for contributing information for this article.