
Trivia Night at Canton Public Library


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Do you think you know more than most? Here’s your chance to prove it—at a Trivia Night at the Canton Public Library! The Friends of the Library will be sponsoring a Trivia Night on Saturday, May 13. Doors open at 7:00 p.m., and the brain teasers kick off at 8:00 p.m. 

The evening will include refreshments, raffles, and a cash bar. There will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams. 

Tickets are $15 per person, or $75 per table of six; that’s one free person per table! To buy a table, just pay for 5 people and send a confirmation to Mary Jane at murjur@TMurgent.com and she will reserve a table for 6 for you. 

For those coming without a team—no problem! We’ll help you make new friends and form a team. Please note: this is a 21+ event. Space is limited. Tickets may be obtained through this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/friends-trivia-night-tickets-594041111957

The quizmaster for the evening will be Canton’s own Ericka Berman. Ericka grew up in our library, from story time to running games and activities at the library sleepovers. By day Ericka teaches study skills and academic success to high school students. By night Ericka is a Trivia Host for King Trivia. She started hosting Trivia in 2019 in LA. She is back in Massachusetts, and currently hosting at Wormtown Brewery in Worcester. We are excited to have an experienced trivia host and one of our very own hosting Trivia Night at the Library.

Canton Public Library
786 Washington Street
Canton, MA
United States

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