LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Disappointment over Condition of East Street's Overpass Sidewalk


Dear editor, 

I enjoy reading Westwood Minute. It provides helpful and interesting information around the town and nearby cities/towns. I am writing to you because I had concern over the Westwood DPW effort on clearing snow and ice on the sidewalk on Route 1 (Providence Highway) overpass on East Street. I reached out to the town and the DPW few times after the recent snowfalls. People are forced to walk on the bike lane/breakdown land on East Street to the Islington train station or try to enjoy the walk. They responded that the sidewalk is narrow. The snow removal equipment cannot pass through. They responded that the sidewalk was treated and they will continue to monitor it. As of this morning, a few days after the last snowfall on Presidents’ Day weekend, the sidewalk is not treated. It is slippery and it is very dangerous to walk on the icy surface. It is even more dangerous to walk on the busy road. I was disappointed by the Town’s response on public safety.

Terence Lok

Thanks to Terence Lok for sharing this comment and perspective with Westwood MinuteShare your comments with our community by registering for a free account to self-post, or email your thoughts to the editor at WestwoodInAMinute@gmail.com.

Photo courtesy of Terence Lok. This photo, titled "East Street - 1", was taken on the morning of Friday, February 21, 2025 and depicts the area complained about in the letter, says Terence Lok. Click left/right.
Photo courtesy of Terence Lok. This photo, taken on February 21, 2025, is titled "East Street - 2" and shows the condition of the sidewalk on the East Street overpass, says Terence Lok who calls it a danger to pedestrians who may slip. Click left/right.
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I completely agree.  Washington St. also has some terrible patches, especially the handicap ramps.  I don’t understand why the DPW is responsible for clearing sidewalks in front of homes and businesses.  It seems that those should be the responsibility of the property owner.  That would leave the DPW more time and resources to clear other spots like under the overpass.

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