Community Assignment: Name the New School


  Community Assignment: Name the New School

Westwood residents have a new assignment – help name the new elementary school!

Construction is well underway at the new state-of-the art elementary school that will replace the Hanlon and Deerfield Schools. To bring the two schools together as one, the new school needs a name, and the School Committee is asking for the community’s help with brainstorming ideas.

From Wednesday, Feb. 16 to Wednesday, March 1, you can submit your suggested name for the new school using this Google form. A working group established by the School Committee will then review all submitted suggestions and compile a list of finalists, which will be posted on the School Committee’s website on Monday, March 6. The School Committee, at its March 9 meeting, will review the finalists and vote on the new school name.

When proposing a new name for the school, we ask that you follow these guidelines:

  • The purpose of the new name may be to recognize, honor or memorialize persons, organizations, historical Town sites, historical Town events, or the history of Westwood itself.
  • The new name may also recognize an outstanding contribution to education, humanity or the community at the local, state, national or international level.
  • Names will not be considered if they tend to undermine or interfere with the educational mission of the Westwood Public Schools or if they compromise the safety of students and/or faculty.
  • Names of persons currently employed by the Town of Westwood will not be considered.

Be sure to check the School Committee’s website on March 6 to see the finalists and tune in to the School Committee meeting on March 9 to learn the name of the new school. We look forward to seeing your suggestions!

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