
On Friday, September 8, 2023, Aquarion Water Company (Aquarion) issued a boil water alert, warning customers of its Dover Main System to discard all uncooked foods, ice, and beverages if they were made with tap water collected on or before 11:00 a.m. The company stated that until further notice, tap water should not be consumed unless it has been boiled for at least one minute.
Aquarion explained that while performing maintenance on a well, an unspecified emergency at one of three Francis Street wells required taking the wells and Aquarion's treatment plant offline. This resulted in no water or low water pressure.
"Loss of pressure can allow bacterial contaminants to enter the distribution system. As a result there is an increased chance that the water may contain disease-causing organisms," states the boil water advisory.
Aquarion does not directly state that it found fecal coliform or E.coli in its water. However, it specifically references these bacteria in its boil water notice. Aquarion then goes on to advise customers who experience diarrhea, cramps, nausea, headaches or other symptoms to seek medical advice, stating that microbes in human or animal wastes can cause these symptoms.
The company noted that it restored its Francis Street wells to service to pressurize the Dover Main System on September 8th. Aquarion is currently conducting tests to ensure the absence of bacteria.
"We anticipate resolving the problem within 3 days," Aquarion states in its advisory.
In the meantime, to ensure that any possible bacteria are killed before water is consumed, the company advises its Dover Main System customers to either use bottled water, or prepare tap water with a rolling boil in advance of drinking, preparing ice or food, brushing teeth and washing dishes. The Town of Dover additionally notes that such precautions also apply to pets.
Dover customers have long complained about their water quality and service. In the summer of 2021, many Dover residents complained of discolored water from Colonial Water Company. Since then, Colonial Water Company has merged with Aquarion.