
The news described in Westwood Minute's weekly Police Log article series is primarily based on selected information from the Westwood Police Department's daily log and information provided by Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and police staff. Occasionally, a few facts from other sources may be woven into these stories.
This week, Westwood Minute has posted two installments of this series. Below is the second installment covering the period of police activities from February 12-18, 2024. Earlier this week, Westwood Minute published police activities for the period of February 19-26, 2024.
$3,000 in Cash Stolen from Home
3:01 p.m. An officer responded to Fensview Drive on the report of a theft of cash from a home. The resident reported an attempt to take money from a location where money is stored in the house, and found that at least $3,000 was missing.
Unexplained Debit Charges
10:46 a.m. Police responded to Bridges, the assisted living facility on University Avenue regarding the report of a stolen debt card of a resident. The son of resident complained of a series of debits to his mother’s account, totaling $5,700, that could not be accounted for. The transactions were made at a Westwood business and locations in Mattapan and Dorchester. The son contacted the bank to close the account.
Harassing Texts and Calls
7:14 p.m. An officer took a report of harassing texts and phone calls regarding a business dispute made by a co-worker to a resident of Whitney Avenue. Police advised the residents to block the number of the caller. The residents are contemplating taking private action.
Rear-End Collision Sends Driver to Hospital
7:40 p.m. On High Street in the vicinity of the Mobil Station, a 2014 Subaru was rear-ended by a 2024 Subaru. The driver of the leading car was taken to Beth Israel Deaconess Needham by Westwood Fire paramedics.
Jewelry Worth as Much as $75,000 Stolen from Vehicle
6:46 p.m. The daughter of a resident of Fox Hill Village on Longwood Drive reported missing jewelry worth between $60,000 to $75,000. It had been placed in a tote, and left in a vehicle with the intent to deposit it in a safe deposit box in a bank in another town. On Friday, February 9th, it could not be located. The vehicle – a 2016 Subaru Outback - showed no sign of forced entry.
Fraudster Poses as Microsoft Computer Repair Person
11:52 a.m. A resident of Longwood Drive reported being contacted by “Anthony James” of “Microsoft” to do repairs on a computer. The caller asked the resident to withdraw $17,113 from the resident’s bank account for an undescribed expense. The resident contacted the resident’s bank, which identified the request as fraud.
Arrest for Driving with Suspended License
3:31 p.m. An officer queried the license plate of a vehicle in traffic and found its registered owner had a suspended driver’s license. The officer identified the driver as the owner, based on a photo on the registry computer. Upon making the traffic stop, the officer asked whether the driver was aware of the license suspension. The driver answered in the affirmative. Police arrested the driver, a 31 year-old from Stoughton. He was cited for operating a motor vehicle on a suspended license.
"Son in Jail" Extortion Scam
4:39 p.m. The son of residents of Highland Glen Road told police he believed his parents were at risk of being targeted in a scam. The mother explained that on Monday, February 12th, around 8:30 p.m., a caller posing as her son said that he was arrest and that an attorney would contact her. An attorney named “Matthew Arnold” called her and asked for $6,000 in cash for bail to release her son from the custody of Boston Police Department. When the mother responded that she did not have the money, the caller said he would try to lower the bail. The family identified the call as a scam and have not lost any money.
Report of Driver Flashing a Gun on Providence Highway
12:29 a.m. Police received information from dispatch that a caller was reporting driving behind a grey sedan north on Providence Highway, and that the sedan’s driver had a gun. An officer who was in the vicinity observed a grey sedan being followed by a dark, Toyota RAV 4, and that the RAV 4 occupants were yelling and blowing the car’s horn. The grey sedan parked in a spot, and a male exited the vehicle.
The officer called for more units and exited the cruiser. The officer asked the male to stop approaching and to keep his hands visible. The individual stated that he was not carrying a firearm. The officer found no firearm on the suspect or in the man's vehicle. He was a 41 year-old from Walpole.
During this interaction, the RAV 4 sped away. Additional police units from Westwood and Norwood arrived at the scene.
The driver of the grey sedan told police that the RAV 4 had followed him and made him uncomfortable. He denied have a gun, claimed to have no contact with the RAV 4 or its occupants before this incident, and was not sure why the RAV 4 was following him. T
Police located and spoke with two females passengers in the RAV 4, both 31 years-old and from Roslindale and Boston, who stated the grey sedan had followed them and made them uncomfortable. They claimed that the driver of the grey sedan flashed a gun at them.
First Call of Barking Dog
1:17 p.m. A caller reported a barking dog on Locust Drive. The responding police officer found the location quiet.
Threats of Trespass to Juveniles
2:57 p.m. At the Mobil gas station on High Street, an officer met a juvenile and the youth’s parents. The officer was informed that the juvenile had made a purchase at the store while a sibling and other juveniles – a group in their mid- to late teens, were also in the store. A clerk threatened to issue the group a trespass notice for loitering, telling the group that the store limits its capacity to five customers at a time and others must wait outside.
The juvenile and parents were advised of the rules of occupancy of the business. The juvenile has not been formally trespassed. The only complaint of undesirable behavior was too many people in the store at the same time.
Second Call of Barking Dog
3:49 p.m. A caller reported a barking dog on Locust Drive. When an officer arrived, the dog stopped barking. The dog was brought inside its home.
Third Call Concerning Barking Dog
9:56 p.m. A caller contacted police with concern over a dog on Locust Drive, outside in cold weather. Police located the dog. No one was at home to bring it inside. The officer noted that the dog appeared fine.
Thanks to Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and the Westwood Police Department for contributing information for this article.