A Ride Down Memory Lane for WHS Seniors


Photo courtesy of Westwood Public Schools. A graduating high school senior gets a congratulatory hug from Sheehan School's Eileen Erwin, followed by a line of seniors making their way down the elementary school's hallway.

By Darcie Fisher for Westwood Public Schools

Over 200 members of the Westwood High School Class of 2024 kicked off graduation weekend at the end of last month with a bus ride back to where it all started. After a pizza party lunch at WHS sponsored by the PTO, students boarded yellow school buses for the town’s second annual “Senior Farewell Tour,” stopping at each of Westwood’s four elementary schools.

Photo courtesy of Westwood Public Schools. Westwood High School graduating seniors walk down a hall lined with elementary school students eager to offer congratulations.

“It’s a tradition we started last year to honor the experiences of our graduates throughout their K-12 experiences in Westwood Public Schools,” said Aishleen Marcus, WHS Dean of Students. “It’s designed for them to reflect and appreciate how far they’ve come.”

Photo courtesy of Westwood Public Schools. Westwood High School graduating seniors get high-fives from younger students on a visit to an elementary school campus.

WHS Principal Amy Davenport went along for the ride.

“I love how proud our teachers are to see students who have grown up,” said Davenport. “I love how excited our younger students are to see siblings, people who babysit for them, their camp counselors in this tradition of success and celebration. It’s just a really nice day.”

The first stop was the Martha Jones Elementary School, where seniors adorned in their green graduation gowns received high-fives from teachers and younger students alike.

“It’s really exciting to go back to your old school and see all the little kids and their reactions,” said senior Dahlia Leyden who attended the Sheehan Elementary School. “I moved here when I was in the fourth grade, so I was only here for two years at the Sheehan. I have loved my time in Westwood.”

Photo courtesy of Westwood Public Schools. A Martha Jones student gives congratulations to a graduating Westwood High School senior.

Leyden is headed to Michigan State University in the fall. One of her classmates, Lucie Sechler, is traveling a bit farther – she will be studying English Studies and History at Dublin, Ireland’s Trinity College.

“I’m really excited to get back to Downey and see my teachers and be in the rooms where I met the best friends I still have.”

At the Sheehan Elementary School, students held signs and cheered for the graduating seniors. Seniors Blake Huntoon and Sam Lynch have fond memories of their time as Sheehan students.

Photo courtesy of Westwood Public Schools. Signs of support and congratulations were made to display during the farewell tour of Westwood High School's graduating seniors.

“It’s good to be back at the old school,” said Huntoon who is headed to Bentley University. “I have a lot of memories going here. My favorite is all the way back to kindergarten when [my friends and I] were playing soccer on the fields.”

Photo courtesy of Westwood Public Schools. Waves are exchanged as graduating Westwood High School seniors walk the halls of Westwood's four elementary schools as part of a farewell tour.

“I’m having a great time,” said Lynch who will be studying at Bryant University. “It’s cool to reunite with everyone and come back to the schools. It’s awesome. I love all these places and today is bringing me back to when I went here.”

The seniors also traveled to the new Pine Hill Elementary School – where many of the teachers they had while students at the old Hanlon and Deerfield Elementary Schools were waiting to greet them. Their last stop was at Downey Elementary School.

Photo courtesy of Westwood Public Schools. Donned in his green graduation robe, a former Sheehan School student is a model for current Westwood elementary school students to look up to.

Jill Luskin, who has been teaching third grade in Westwood for 25 years, was doling out hugs, and was visibly excited to see many of her former students.

“I had so many of these kids,” said Luskin. “It is so awesome to know I had a small part in how well they’re doing right now. It brings tears to my eyes. I gave out a lot of hugs, and I just want them to know how proud I am.”

Photo courtesy of Westwood Public Schools. Elementary school staff congratulated Westwood High School's graduating seniors during their farewell tour of the schools where they had begun their public school education.

Thanks to Darcie Fisher and Westwood Public Schools for contributing this news to Westwood Minute.

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