Police Log: Shots Fired on Canton Street, Assisting Dog and Owner in Distress & Other Stories


Image by Westwood Minute/Darlene Wong Cancell.

The news described in Westwood Minute's weekly Police Log article series is primarily based on selected incidents from the Westwood Police Department's daily log, and information provided by Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and police staff through written records and conversations. Occasionally, Westwood Minute may weave a few facts that it obtains from other sources into these stories.

Sunday, July 7th

Speeding, No License

9:52 a.m. A black 2013 Volkswagen Jetta passed by an officer who was conducting stationary traffic enforcement in a cruiser on Providence Highway. Radar showed the Volkswagen was travelling at 70 m.p.h. in a 50 m.p.h. zone.

The officer conducted a traffic stop. The driver, who did not speak English, appeared to have no license. The officer issued the man a criminal citation for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle and speeding.

Family Matters

12:56 p.m. Upon a report of a disturbance at Draper Avenue, an officer responded to a home to mediate a family dispute.

Unconscious Woman

6:18 p.m. A man residing on Washington Street summoned police for help upon arriving at home and finding his guest, a woman from New Bedford, unresponsive. Westwood Police and Westwood Fire paramedics arrived at the scene of a possible drug overdose. First responders were able to detect breathing, and eventually, the woman regained consciousness. She was transported to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Needham.

Saturday, July 6th

Harassed by a Terminated Employee

9:03 p.m. A resident of Colburn Street requested police assistance in escorting an individual off the resident’s property. The person was an employee of the resident who had been terminated that day. Police provided the assistance and advised the individual not to return to make any trouble.

Friday, July 5th

Door-to-Door Solicitation

1:33 p.m. A resident of Storrow Circle reported a suspicious grey/green pickup with two males inside, who were going through the surrounding neighborhood, knocking on doors. The complainant asked if the men had a permit for solicitation. The two men reportedly responded that they were just trying to make a buck, and exhibited a rude hand gesture. The men departed in the vehicle, which was last seen on Far Reach Road.

An officer responded to the general vicinity and checked the neighborhood. The officer noted a business card for a landscaping company had been left outside one residence.

One Thing Leads to Another

9:51 p.m. An officer observed a passing moped with no registration plate on Everett Street. As the officer followed it, the officer watched the moped make a right onto Washington Street and proceed to run through a red light at Washington Street and Brookfield Road.

The officer made the traffic stop. The operator did not have a license to operate the moped. The officer cited the rider for unlicensed operation, operating an unregistered vehicle, and failure to stop for a red light.

Quick Theft

11:47 p.m. A resident of Westwood Glen Road reported that a visiting friend from Newton had his backpack stolen from inside a vehicle. The friend was unloading bags from the car, and stepped into the residence for about 5 minutes. When the friend returned to the car, his backpack was missing. However, an iPhone and jewelry that were inside the car were left behind.

Thursday, July 4th

Shots Fired on Canton Street

4:00 a.m. Police received a report from a resident of shots being fired on Canton Street. Two days later, on July 6th around 12:40 p.m., police received a second report, by a different person, regarding the same incident. No further information is currently available from police who are investigating this case.

Taking a Snooze Before Work

8:31 a.m. A resident walking in the neighborhood of Tamarack Road and Briar Lane reported observing someone sleeping in a grey sedan with the engine running. Police investigated and learned the driver was napping before reporting to work at a local residence.

Stolen Fanny Pack

3:54 p.m. Police were dispatched to University Avenue to take a report of larceny from a customer who had been shopping at the Marshalls store. The customer, a Natick resident, was missing a fanny pack that contained $120 cash, credit cards, personal papers, and identification. The fanny pack was in the shopping cart when it went missing.

Suspicious Activity while Out of Town

8:15 p.m. While out of town, a resident of Oak Street observed on a Ring doorbell camera that a blue, Ford Explorer and dark colored Toyota 4Runner were parked in front of the resident’s home. A man was at the door, wearing what appeared to be a law enforcement badge on his shirt. He left the area. Police checked the area but were unable to locate the man or the vehicles.

Stealing Scrap Metal

8:59 p.m. Police responded to the rear of the Ira Acura Westwood car dealership on Providence Highway on the report of a white pickup taking away scrap metal. When police arrived moments later, the vehicle had already left.

Wednesday, July 3rd

Identity Theft for Unemployment Assistance

1:13 p.m. A resident of Pheasant Hill reported being the victim of identity theft upon receiving a letter with debit card from the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance. Because the resident had not filed for unemployment assistance, the resident notified DUA and police. Police advised the resident to contact credit reporting agencies and the resident’s banks to ask them to monitor the resident’s accounts.

Investigating a Hit-and-Run

9:48 p.m. Massachusetts State Police Danvers Barracks contacted Westwood Police for assistance in looking for a vehicle suspected of a hit-and-run incident from earlier in the evening. A license plate number that was being investigated for possible involvement in the crash was traced to a Westwood resident.

Westwood Police provided assistance while noting that the plate of the suspect’s vehicle was not an exact match to the plate number of the Westwood resident’s vehicle. Additionally, a white vehicle is suspected of being involved while the resident’s vehicle is green.

Tuesday, July 2nd

Remedial Does Not Mean "All Set"

12:23 p.m. An officer was conducting routine traffic enforcement in the area of Washington Street and Marshall Street and entered a random query on the license plate of a blue motorcycle that was passing by. The officer discovered that the motorcycle had no active inspection sticker, and the owner had a suspended license.

The officer conducted a traffic stop. The operator, a Norwood resident, was owner of the motorcycle. He indicated that he had taken a remedial class for his suspension during the previous week. He thought he would be “all set.”

The officer issued the man a criminal citation for failing to exhibit an inspection sticker and for operating the motorcycle after having his license suspended.

Monday, July 1st

Assisting Dog and Owner in Distress

3:39 p.m. A resident of Walpole summoned police help for his dog, as they travelled west on High Street near Summer Street. The dog was experiencing grave medical distress, with difficulty breathing. The driver was having trouble coping.

An officer met the man in a cruiser and transported both the man and his dog to the hospital. The dog was briefly treated before staff recommended that the dog be taken to Tufts Veterinary Emergency Services for treatment.

The officer placed the dog in the cruiser and raced to Tufts in Walpole for treatment. Veterinary staff stood ready outside to receive the patient.

Dog Bite

5:06 p.m. An employee from a local animal hospital reported that a co-worker, a man from Walpole, had been bitten by a dog (described in the above reported police log incident) while being briefly treated. The employee was seeking information on the dog and its owner.

Police reached out to the dog’s owner, who agreed to contact the animal hospital to provide the requested information.

Thanks to Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and the Westwood Police Department for contributing information for this Westwood Minute article.

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