Draft Westwood Climate Action, Resiliency & Sustainability Plan: 85 Percent Reduced Emissions in Westwood by 2040 (Updated)


The Town of Westwood’s draft Climate Action, Resiliency & Sustainability Plan, which puts Westwood on a path for significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions at approximately 15 and 35 years from now, was released this July, and public comments can be submitted through Wednesday, July 31, 2024 to CRSPlan@townhall.westwood.ma.us.

The plan was developed by the Community & Economic Development – Planning Division and the Climate Action Taskforce, the latter group being made up of town employees, elected officials, and members of Westwood Environmental Action Committee. According to the group’s schedule, the plan will be finalized this month, and the final plan will be presented for adoption in August or September.

The plan presents information and recommendations into five areas of discussion: 1) resiliency planning & implementation; 2) land use & transportation; 3) sustainable buildings & clean energy use; 4) natural & working lands; and 5) water & waste management.

Among its seven goals toward sustainability are a reduction by 85 percent of townwide greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 and a net-zero reduction by 2060. (Note, however, that Massachusetts has set a net-zero emissions goal of 2050). Interestingly, the drafters note that 92.4 percent of the town’s emissions come from residential buildings (35%), passenger vehicles (32.1%), and commercial/industrial buildings (25.3%). Only 3 percent of emissions comes from municipal facilities and activities.

Reaching net-zero emissions includes plans for, among other things:

  • Electrified vehicles, homes and appliances;
  • Transit-oriented neighborhoods and business districts;
  • Complete streets and walkable/bikeable neighborhoods;
  • Significant use of solar panels; and
  • A generous street tree canopy.

The plan describes 25 action steps and 28 associated sub-steps to increase Westwood’s sustainability and resiliency. Many notable action steps appear in the category of “Land Use & Transportation” and Natural & Working Lands (NWL).” For example, the plan drafters recommend actions steps that include:

  • Develop a proactive land use strategy to site housing and clean energy;
  • Enhance zoning bylaws to encourage energy efficiency, stormwater management, and low impact design;
  • Establish zoning incentives to encourage net-zero and LEED development;
  • Digitize meeting packets for committee/board meetings to reduce paper consumption;
  • Promote transit-oriented development (i.e. development located in close proximity to public transit) in town villages;
  • Phase out internal combustion vehicles;
  • Identify and expand NWL conservation; and
  • Limit NWL loss.

The plan derives its guiding principles from the 2020 Westwood Comprehensive Plan. Updates on the Climate Action, Resiliency & Sustainability Plan will be posted on the town website.

Updated 7/30/2024 at 10:31 a.m. An electronic PDF file of the draft Climate Action, Resiliency, and Sustainability Plan has been attached to the bottom of this Westwood Minute article.

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