
The Westwood Town Clerk's office has released the unofficial results of the September 3, 2024 state primary election, and this is how Westwood voted:
-- In Westwood's primary voting, for the position of representative of the Eighth Congressional District, Incumbent Congressman Stephen Lynch was the uncontested candidate for the Democrats and Robert Burke won the Republican primary. These results in Westwood reflected the results for each of political parties in the overall district. Mr. Lynch and Mr. Burke will battle it out in November.
--Similarly, in the local voting for U.S. Senator, incumbent Elizabeth Warren ran as the uncontested Democratic candidate, and John Deaton won the Republican primary. The results in town also mirrored larger, statewide results. Senator Warren will compete against Mr. Deaton to retain her seat.
Other offices that Westwood residents voted on:
For the unofficial state primary results for each political party, at town-level, click here.