Town's Asst. Town Administrator/Finance Director is Also Westwood's First Appointed "Treasurer Collector"


Westwood’s Assistant Town Administrator/Finance Director Stephanie McManus is enlarging her responsibilities as the town’s first appointed “Treasurer Collector,” following a determination at last year's Town Meeting to make the elected positions of Treasurer and Collector positions appointed ones, and Westwood Select Board’s unanimous approval of the new appointment on May 13, 2024.

“After many discussions between myself, Town Administrator Christopher Coleman, and Assistant Town Administrator/Finance Director Stephanie McManus, we’ve determined that the most prudent course of action is to appoint Stephanie McManus as the Town of Westwood’s Treasurer Collector,” said Assistant Town Administrator/Human Resources Director Molly Kean, who presented the recommended appointment to Select Board this month. Select Board went on to approve adjustment of Ms. McManus's current employment contract to recognize her added duties of Treasurer Collector.

At Westwood’s Annual Town Meeting one year ago last May, a voice vote was determined to constitute the necessary two-thirds majority vote necessary to change the elected positions of Town Treasurer and Town Collector to appointed positions. However, it was only when Governor Maura Healey late last month signed a home rule petition for Westwood that the offices of Treasurer and Collector could proceed to be filled by appointment.

With Ms. McManus's appointment, it would seem that she now replaces Philip Shapiro who was recently elected to the open position of Town Treasurer at Town Election on April 30, 2024.  On April's ballot, the position was marked with the caveat, similar to that which appears on the Town Clerk's official election results, stating, "Term subject to change pending legislative approval of charter change."

At its May 13th meeting, Select Board has also reorganized its own internal member responsibilities. Third member Joseph Previtera has taken on the role of chair. Former chair Marianne LeBlanc Cummings is rotating into the role of clerk, and former Clerk Robert Gotti, who was recently re-elected to Select Board, is taking the role of third member. 

Select Board members also divided responsibilities of serving as liaisons to the following community boards and groups:

  • Select Board Chair Previtera will serve as the board's liaison to the Aid to the Elderly and Infirm, Air Traffic Noise Abatement, Housing Partnership/Fair Housing, and Off-Leash/Dog Park Working Group.
  • Select Board Clerk Cummings will serve as Select Board liaison to the Canton Street Project Working Group, Commission on Disability, Lean Process Board, and Norfolk County Advisory Board.
  • Select Board Third Member Gotti will serve as liaison to the Long Range Financial Planning Committee, School Building Committee, Westwood Environmental Action Committee.

The town is still accepting statements of interest from residents who would like to serve on the Commission for Disability and Westwood Historical Commission, said Town Administrator Christopher Coleman. Detailed descriptions of openings are posted on the Town of Westwood website. To apply, send a statement of interest application to or by U.S. Mail to the Select Board at 580 High Street, Westwood, MA 02090.

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