Westwood In A Minute: St. Mark's Greek Fest


Photo by Westwood Minute/Darlene Wong Cancell. Customers line up on one side of a long line of tables, and servers line up on the other side, for the main Greek Fest attraction - its traditional Greek food.

On Saturday, September 14 and Sunday, September 15, the annual St. Mark's Greek Fest returned to the church grounds at Nahatan Street in Westwood, in what appeared to be an expanded event compared to past years. 

The crowd seemed bigger than ever on Saturday evening, as community members lined up to order favorite Greek foods at the dinner hour.

Photo by Westwood Minute/Darlene Wong Cancell. A large crowd gathered under the main tent for dining, music, and dancing.

The tent housing the largest part of the event space for dining, serving, and dancing seemed taller and more spacious than in past years, and the food prep stations seemed to also have increased in number. 

The Westwood Police officer directing foot traffic from one side of Nahatan Street to another remarked, "Have you ever seen crowds like this?"

Photo by Westwood Minute/Darlene Wong Cancell. The main tented area of the annual St. Mark's Greek Fest seemed to have enlarged from past years.

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