Who's on the Ballot for Town Election?


Westwood's Town Election is Wednesday, April 28, 2021.  This year, there are more options for residents to choose how to vote, but do you know who's on the ballot? Here's a quick run-down.

Contested races this year are for positions on the Select Board, Planning Board, Moderator, and Library Trustee.

Races in which a single candidate is running unopposed are Town Treasurer, School Committee, Housing Authority, Assessor, and Sewer Commissioner.

Select Board

Candidates for the Select Board are battling to win one open seat with a three-year term.  Select Board candidates are David L. Atkins, Jr., Robert R. Gotti, and William "Bill" McLaughlin.

Planning Board

There are two open seats on the Planning Board with a term of three years.  There is also an open seat with a one year term to fill a vacancy.  Candidates for the three year term are Christopher A. Pfaff (Incumbant), Eric K. Alden and Ellen Larkin Rollings.  Candidates for the one year term are Phillip Giordano and Kathleen Wynne.


The Moderator position has a one-year term with two candidates running, James M. O'Sullivan (Incumbent) and Deborah J. Conant.

Library Trustee

Library Trustee has two openings with a three-year term.  Candidates are Mary Masi-Phelps (Incumbent), Denise Hebert, and Maria B. Ryan.

Single candidates running unopposed are James. J. Gavin (Incumbent) for three years as Town Treasurer, Maya K. Plotkin (Incumbent) for three years on School Committee, Eric K. Alden for five years on Housing Authority, Nancy C. Hyde for three years as Assessor, and Diane E. Hayes (Incumbent) for three years as Sewer Commissioner.

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