
Thanks to Life Time Westwood for contributing this article to Westwood Minute.
With the holiday season here, many of us will be spending quality time with loved ones, opening gifts, laughing, and of course indulging on those delicious desserts, and sweets. Even for the fitness enthusiast, trying to sneak in that workout may be easier said than done, especially if Old Man Winter has something to say about it.
Angelo Sabatini, Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach at Life Time Westwood, says you can still enjoy the holiday season and not have to worry about trying to run miles upon miles to burn off those excess calories. Instead, it has more to do with less snack consumption, getting plenty of sleep and intaking calories in a liquid form. Sabatini shared with Westwood Minute his top five fat burning tips leading into and throughout the holidays.
1) Portion Control
During the holidays you're likely to be surrounded by a variety of delicious foods. In order to satisfy those cravings but still stay on track, keep the snacking to a minimum. Eat these foods to experience the taste and savor it, don't overindulge. Your stomach and your fitness goals will thank you.
2) Sleep
Potentially the most underutilized form of fat burning that everyone can do. Prioritizing 7-8hrs of sleep a night is your body's natural fasting period and best form of recovery. Developing a set bedtime will help regulate a variety of hormonal levels in the body, particularly stress related. The lower your body's overall stress, the easier it will be for it to metabolize fat.
3) Protein Intake
To build off of sleep, intaking adequate protein throughout the day will be the key to preserving all of your muscle throughout the day and night. Think of it this way; by eating enough protein (roughly 0.8g - 1g per lb of bodyweight) your body will be forced to only burn carbs or fat as the body's source of fuel. During the day carbs are the preferred energy source of the body, and while sleeping, fat is the preferred energy source. Eat your protein, keep your muscles.
4) Strength Training
What better way to burn off the sugar from last night's cookies and brownies? Just 30-45 minutes of weightlifting will help the body metabolize the excess sugars stored in the muscles from holiday desserts. Two to three days a week should be the goal for most, and consistency is the key. Training five days one week but no days the next week will do more harm than good. Prioritize your health and dedicate the time to yourself, either at home or the gym.
5) Mindfulness of Liquid Calories
Whether it be alcoholic beverages, smoothies, or milkshakes, calorie intake can increase drastically when consumed in the form of a liquid. Be aware of the content and volume of your drinks. Some alcohol or sweet beverages in moderation is okay, consume too much at once and the body can't properly process everything. Keep this in mind when deciding whether to have that second or third glass of wine. Your body will prioritize the alcohol metabolism over your food, meaning more fat can be stored when pairing the two together.