
Many opportunities are currently available for interested residents to fill spots in town governance for Westwood, either by running for elected office or by applying to be appointed by the Select Board or Town Moderator.
Westwood residents who are interested in running for an office in Town of Westwood government can obtain their nomination papers from the Westwood Town Clerk's Office beginning Tuesday, January 14th, by appointment. Contact information for the Town Clerk's office is available here.
Open positions that will appear on the Annual Town Election ballot on April 29th are:
Potential candidates must be registered voters, and they will be asked to collect signatures of 50 to 60 registered voters for certification. For more information, click here.
Additionally, many opportunities to contribute to town government are available via appointment by Select Board and the Town Moderator. According to the Town of Westwood website, there are openings as follows:
Residents interested in positions on the above boards and committees can apply to Westwood Select Board with a Statement of Interest. Email it to For more information and descriptions of the openings, click here.
Registered voters who would like to apply for a position on FinCom, the Permanent Building Committee, or the Personnel Board should send an email to Town Moderator James O'Sullivan at For more information and descriptions of the openings, click here.