Things To Do around Westwood This Weekend: Thursday, March 13 - Sunday, March 16


Image by geralt from Pixabay.

The Westwood Public Library continues its month of programming for One Book, One Town events, intended to build community through a townwide invitation to read the same book, and attend related events.

March 14th is Pi Day, where the numerical month and date of the third month and 14th day mirror the mathematical "pi" or 3.14, as math enthusiasts may well-know. On this day, share a slice of pie with friends and family!

Coming up on Monday is St. Patrick's Day, and events leading up to it over the weekend include a parade in Walpole and local celebrations with music, food, drink, and fun.

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Documentary Screening: Shaker Heights: The Struggle for Integration - Sat Mar 15 2:00 pm

Westwood Public Library

Join us for a screening and discussion about the 1997 documentary, "Shaker Heights: The Struggle for Integration", chronicling a moment of reckoning with inequity in the town where the novel, "Little Fires Everywhere," takes place. [more details]

Other Events

"Little Fires Everywhere" Community Book Discussion - Thu Mar 13 7:00 pm

Westwood Public Library

Come together to meet with readers across town, members of Westwood Public Library book clubs, and Westwood librarians for a community discussion of "Little Fires Everywhere" by Celeste Ng. Food provided! [more details]

Celebrate Pi Day with a Small Cheese Pizza - Fri Mar 14 10:00 am

Dedham House of Pizza

Pi Day Offerings: Dedham House of Pizza is offering a $3.14 small cheese pizza on Pi Day. Tell them you heard about it in Westwood Minute! [more details]

St. Patrick's Day Celebration - Sat Mar 15 11:00 am

Irish Cultural Centre

From 11 AM to 6 PM, the St. Patrick's Day celebration carries on at ICC with performances that include local Irish dance schools. [more details]

Rachel Sumner and Traveling Light - Sat Mar 15 7:30 pm

Open Book Coffeehouse

The Open Book Coffeehouse proudly continues its 2024-2025 season on Saturday evening, March 15th, with Rachel Sumner and Traveling Light.

Fresh off a first place win at the 2023 Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass Festival band competition, Rachel Sumner & Traveling Light have been captivating audiences throughout the northeast. [more details]

Shamrock-N-Roll Lunch - Sun Mar 16 11:00 am

Lookout Farm

One $40 ticket gets you a table for 8, a Shamrock Shack gingerbread house and candy decorations for your shack. Also available are kid activities and crafts, music and games, at this family-friendly St. Patrick's Day celebration. [more details]

Friends of St. Patrick Parade - Sun Mar 16 1:00 pm

Harrison Avenue and 25A Miller Place (start)

The Friends of St. Patrick hold their annual parade for St. Patrick's Day. It starts promptly at 1 PM, and covers 2.8 miles. [more details]

You're in the loop! For more things to do, or to post your own event, visit Westwood Minute's Community Calendar.

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