
Image by John Phelan from Wikimedia Commons
Updated 01/12/2022 at 10:00 a.m. An entry was added for School Committee's meeting on Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
Below are ways to participate in upcoming meetings of town government. All are remote meetings with the exception of the Board of Health meeting which is scheduled to meet in-person at 50 Carby Street.
Of particular interest this week:
Board of Library Trustees meeting via Zoom, Monday, January 10, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. The board will discuss updates on COVID-19, staffing, Wentworth Hall/Islington Branch Library, and the Strategic Plan, among other items.
To join by Zoom, click here. Or go to Zoom, click “Join Meeting,” and enter Meeting ID 815 2065 1378 and passcode 267815.
Board of Health Meeting in-person, Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. This meeting will be held at 50 Carby Street in the Champagne Meeting Room. A discussion and vote will be held about implementing a face covering mandate in municipal buildings. The Health Director gives a COVID-19 update. Also to be discussed are at-home test kit purchases and the state’s changes to isolation and quarantine guidelines.
Select Board Meeting via Zoom, Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. The Select Board will hear an update from the Board of Health. The Department of Public Works reports on the complete streets Program funding award and a pavement management report. Assistant Town Administrator and Financial Director Pam Dukeman gives a financial update and discusses the FY 2023 budget. Also on the agenda are review of bids related to the Obed Baker House, appointment of committee members to conduct a review of the town’s charter, and discussing and closing warrant articles for the May 2022 Town Meeting.
There will also be an Executive Session to discuss issues related to litigation, strategy for purchasing property including 120 Dover Road, strategy for collective bargaining for union personnel, and review of Executive minute.
To join by Zoom, click here. Or go to Zoom, click “Join Meeting,” and enter Meeting ID 849 4419 0589 and passcode 430439. Alternatively, join by telephone by dialing, toll-free: 888-475-4499, 833-548-0276, 833-548-0282, or 877-853-5257.
This meeting will also be livestreamed by Westwood Media Center and can be viewed on Comcast Channel 12 and Verizon Channel 42.
Planning Board meeting via Zoom, Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
Click here for meeting packet. The Planning Board discusses proposed zoning amendment articles submitted for the upcoming Town Meeting. It also discusses an application to remove a dead tree at 60 Dover Road and continues an EMM-EIDR public hearing regarding backyard work at 20 Wildwood Drive. Planning Board votes on the applicant’s request to continue the hearing (regarding 20 Wildwood Drive) to February 1, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
This meeting will be livestreamed by Westwood Media Center and can be viewed on Comcast Channel 12 and Verizon Channel 42.
To join by Zoom, click here. Or go to Zoom, click "Join Meeting" and enter Meeting ID 815 3599 5316 and passcode 756105. Alternatively, join by telephone by dialing, toll-free: 888-475-4499 or 877-853-5257.
Commission on Disability Meeting via Zoom, Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
The commission will discuss the Legislative Commission on the Status of Individuals with Disabilities, developing community partners, School Street Playground and pedestrian crossings.
To join by Zoom, click here. Or go to Zoom, click "Join Meeting" and enter Meeting ID 828 2133 0882 and passcode 016095. Alternatively, join by telephone by dialing, toll-free: 888-475-4499 or 833-548-0276.
Sewer Commission Meeting via Zoom, Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
On the agenda are a second meter discussion, updates on pump stations and projects, among other items.
To join by Zoom, click here. Or go to Zoom, click “Join Meeting” and enter Meeting ID 812 6436 2507 and passcode 536368. Alternatively, join by telephone by dialing, toll-free: 888-475-4499, 833-548-0276, 833-548-0282, or 877-853-5257.
Conservation Commission Meeting and Public Hearings via Zoom, Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. Public hearings will be held on 790 Gay Street ( new elementary school), 534 Hartford Street (fence), 55 Westdale Road (pool), 20 Wildwood Drive (backyard enhancements), and 450 Canton street (new construction).
The commission will also discuss current significant projects and brief the Select Board on Concom and the need for a Conservation Land Management Plan.
To join by Zoom, click here. Or go to Zoom, click “Join Meeting” and enter Meeting ID 897 8594 7911 and passcode 553784. Alternatively, join by telephone by dialing, toll-free: 833-548-0282, 877-853-5257, 888-475-4499, or 833-548-0276.
Community Electricity Aggregation Working Group meeting, Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. The working group will discuss a draft video script with Westwood Media Center, review a draft Consumer Notification Letter and draft a CCEress release. join by Zoom, click here. Enter passcode 020439.
School Committee meeting via Zoom, Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. On the agenda are a report from the superintendent, opportunity for commenting on the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan along with action to reauthorize the plan, and various subcommittee reports. Also up for discussion, among other items, are the face mask policy, the policy for exchange students and proposed operating and capital budgets for FY 2023.
To join by Zoom, click here. Or go to Zoom, click “Join Meeting” and enter Meeting ID 817 2863 7154 and passcode 420309. Alternatively, join by telephone by dialing: 929-205-6099, or 301-715-8592, or 312-626-6799, or 669-900-6833, or 253-215-8782, or 346-248-7799.