
Image by John Phelan from Wikimedia Commons
Updated 3/8/2022. Newly available information for Thursday's School Committee meeting and related edits have been added. The "Tuesday" reference to the Conservation Commission meeting has been corrected to "Wednesday."
There are three meetings of Town of Westwood government this week and opportunities for public input.
Planning Board Meeting via Zoom, Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. Planning Board will discuss comments on DHDC Draft Compliance Guidelines for MBTA Communities and a draft ANR Plan for 790 Gay Street. A public hearing on zoning amendments will continue on the subjects of a new mixed use, multi-family overlay district (MUMFROD), solar arrays, expansion of the FMUOD-y District that includes the Obed Baker House and other property, easing the permitting process for nonconforming properties, and rezoning of 394 & 396 Providence Highway. For meeting materials, click here.
To join, click here. Or visit Zoom, click “Join a Meeting” and enter Meeting ID 825 8562 8901 and passcode 939850. Alternatively, join by telephone, toll-free: 877-853-5257 or 888-475-4499.
Conservation Commission Meeting via Zoom, Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. The commission will discuss a potential tree policy/ordinance/bylaw and a potential Conservation Land Management Plan. Public Hearings will be held on (1) Notice of Resource Area Delineation at 394 and 396 Boston Providence Turnpike; (2) Request for Determination regarding replacing a deck at 6 Willett Pond Drive; and (3) Request for Determination at 122 Wilsondale Street. For meeting materials, click here.
To join, click here. Or visit Zoom, click “Join a Meeting,” and enter Meeting ID 823 1209 6056 and passcode 970885. Alternatively, join by telephone, toll-free: 833-548-0276 or 833-548-0282 or 877-853-5257 or 888-475-4499.
School Committee Meeting via Zoom, Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. The committee will vote on, and discuss, the Statement of Interest for Sheehan School to the Massachusetts School Building Authority and MSBA's response, respectively. Also on the agenda, among other items, are a vote on submitting the Student Opportunity Act Plan Amendment and discussion of the equity audit, and updates on the school building project and school start times.
To join, click here. Or visit Zoom, click “Join a Meeting,” and enter Meeting ID 897 8592 6038 and passcode 506747. Alternatively, join by telephone: +1 312-626-6799 or +1-929-205-6099 or +1 301-715-8592 or +1 346-248-7799 or +1 669-900-6833 or +1 253-215-8782. International numbers are also available here.
This meeting can also be viewed using this link.