Westwood In A Minute: Snow Goose Finds Friends


Westwood Minute/Darlene Wong Cancell. In Westwood, a snow goose joins a flock of the more commonly observed Canada geese.

Capturing a Westwood minute in time. . . a snow goose was spotted in a flock of Canada geese recently, grazing on a grassy playing field. 

A little research seems to indicate that a single snow goose joining a flock of Canada geese is not unusual, although as a group, the two species tend not to mix. I've never seen the sight in Westwood until now.

Have a Westwood minute to share? Go ahead and post your photo! Or for assistance, send your photo to WestwoodInAMinute@gmail.com.

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Reader Doug Smith sent Westwood Minute this photo of a snow goose in a school field in Germantown, MD. It appears to have been adopted into a flock of Canada geese. He says he first spotted it flying with the flock, as the last bird in formation, at least a month ago. Looks like the integration has been successful - it gets to stay!

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