
Thanks to the Town of Westwood for contributing this news to Westwood Minute.
Canton Street in Westwood is being considered for a construction project which would add a sidewalk, a shared-use path, high visibility crosswalks, and stormwater improvements to this 1.9-mile roadway, between the East Street Rotary and University Avenue. The goal of the project would be to enhance pedestrian and bicyclist safety along both sides of Canton Street.
The town has already approved $900,000 for the design of the project. Construction is expected to cost approximately $20.4 million, which will be paid for with state and federal funds. The state anticipates the project getting underway in fiscal year 2028.
The project will require certain temporary and permanent easements. Temporary easements will be necessary primarily for minor re-grading and tree removal. A handful of easements will be permanent for utilities, slopes, and other minor encroachments.
Some Westwood residents have already expressed concern over the potential disturbance of rock walls and the removal of trees. The goal of the project is to restore any rock walls that are impacted. The town is prepared to bring in an arborist to determine what trees might need to be removed and potentially reduce the number of trees that are impacted, and a landscape architect to advise on tree mitigation and wall restoration.
While residents will not vote on whether the project will proceed, at this time there would be a supplemental funding request where residents will be asked to vote to appropriate funding for any easement acquisitions that need to take place.
A number of public hearings on the project are planned. The next meeting will take place on Sept. 28 at 7 p.m. at the Downey Elementary School at 250 Downey Street.
The town encourages members of the public who have questions, opinions, and concerns to attend the meeting so they can be heard and learn more about the project.