
The news described in Westwood Minute's weekly Police Log article series is primarily based on selected information from the Westwood Police Department's daily log and information provided by Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and police staff. Occasionally, a few facts from other sources may be woven into these stories.
Coyote Mating Season
11:48 a.m. A resident of Alder Road informed police of a coyote crossing the resident’s yard almost every night. Police advised the resident that now is coyote mating season, and it is normal to see them more frequently. Police suggested using lights and noise to deter the coyote from returning. Police informed the resident that animal control officers are not legal allowed to relocate wildlife.
Falling Icicle Causes Vehicle Damage
2:07 p.m. A woman from Foxborough told police that as she was driving north on Providence Highway that morning, she heard and felt a loud “bang.” She stopped the vehicle to inspect it, and found damage to its front grille. She also noticed icicles hanging from a train bridge above the road, and believed that an icicle fell and hit her car.
Police determined that the vehicle damage was very recent, and confirmed that there was ice hanging off the bridge. Police notified the Massachusetts Department of Transportation of the possible icy hazard.
Report of Suspicious Man Following Woman
2:31 p.m. An officer was dispatched to University Avenue to meet a woman from Needham who complained of being followed by a suspicious man. She told the officer that upon leaving the Target store, an older, white male walked out behind her. Both went to their vehicles. She noticed the man was driving behind her, and appeared to be using his phone to take pictures or a video of her or her vehicle. He then waved to her, and drove away. The Needham woman told police she had never seen him before.
A possible plate number was provided, but was determined to belong to an SUV, not the dark sedan which the man drove. Police advised the woman to call immediately if she spotted the man again.
Muskrat Is Not Trapped, But Taking a Break
1:17 p.m. Westwood’s animal control officer (ACO) reported providing a response to a resident on Abbey Road who believed an animal was stuck in a window well. The ACO identified the animal as a healthy, and possibly pregnant, muskrat. She suggested that the animal was there, seeking a place to rest. Upon observing a neighbor present with an energetic dog, the ACO suggested that if the dog were removed, the muskrat would likely leave under its own power and return to adjacent wetlands.
Suspicious Grey Toyota on Whitney Avenue
5:38 p.m. Police received a report that a grey Toyota was driving down Whitney Avenue and stopping in front of every home on the street. There appeared to be two people inside the vehicle. No further description was provided. Police were unable to locate such vehicle.
Amazon Delivery Vehicle Damages Homeowner’s Property
10:41 a.m. Police responded to a home on Westfield Street where the homeowner complained that on the previous evening around 6:25 p.m., an Amazon delivery van with the number, “10” painted on its hood, had made a delivery and damaged a decorative stone pillar and mailbox. Video showed the driver damaging the property upon attempting to reposition the delivery vehicle while backing up.
The owner of the company which Amazon uses to subcontract delivery services put police in touch with the driver of the van. The driver explained that upon exiting the vehicle and going to the van’s rear, the van rolled backward and struck something before he could stop it. He was unable to determine what had been struck, and drove away, he said.
One Thing Leads to Another: After Firearm Found, a Slew of Charges
1:10 p.m. An officer conducting stationary traffic enforcement in the area of Washington and East streets observed a 2019 Chevy Corvette with tint on its windows so dark that it appeared to completely obscure the vehicle’s interior. A check of the vehicle indicated that its registration was revoked in 2023 for lack of insurance. It also did not have a current inspection sticker.
The officer made the traffic stop. He was able to observe a partially concealed firearm inside the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle, a 45 year old man from Taunton, was not licensed for the firearm.
The officer placed the Taunton man under arrest. The Taunton man was charged with the following:
Bail was set at $3,500, which the man was able to pay.
Missing Amazon Delivery Package
10:50 a.m. A resident of Morgan Farm Road reported an Amazon delivery, expected to contain a personal item worth $20, was missing. The resident had been informed that the package was delivered on February 14. It was a day that the resident was not at home. When the resident did return home, the package was never received.
Injuries in Two-Vehicle Accident on High Street
11:39 a.m. A woman from Newton was driving a 2017 BMW on High Street, attempting to turn left onto Hartford, when she inadvertently drove across a concrete island instead of completing the turn.
A 2020 Kia, driven by a woman from Milford, was stopped at a red light at the intersection. The front of the BMW struck the side of the Kia. The Kia’s driver was transported with injuries to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Needham.
Police cited the Newton woman with failure to stay within marked lanes.
Unusual Path for a Walk
2:01 p.m. A caller reported that a man in a green jacket was walking along the train tracks, toward Dedham. The man was spotted in the vicinity of Dunkin’ on Providence Highway, where a bridge passes over Route 1. Police responded but were unable to locate the individual. Westwood Police notified Dedham Police of the report.
Thousands Stolen in Cosmetics and Perfume
7:05 p.m. Ulta Beauty on University Avenue reported a shoplifting incident from February 19th, when two females exited the store with multiple concealed items. An anti-theft alarm sounded, and at least one item was recovered. However, the suspects were able to take cosmetics and a bottle of perfume. The store estimated its loss at $2,590.
Thanks to Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and the Westwood Police Department for contributing information for this Westwood Minute article.