
The news described in Westwood Minute's weekly Police Log article series is primarily based on selected incidents from the Westwood Police Department's daily log, and information provided by Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and police staff through written records and conversations. Occasionally, Westwood Minute may weave a few facts that it obtains from other sources into these stories.
Lost & Found – Green Backpack
11:00 a.m. Dispatch received a green backpack that had been found in the area of 1237 High Street. Its contents suggested that its owner was a resident of Newburyport. Police attempted to contact the owner, but were unsuccessful. The backpack and its contents, valued at about $1,000, were inventoried and placed in storage.
Police Identify Christmas Eve Shoplifter
11:58 a.m. Police took a report of a series of past shoplifting incidents over the past two to three years, believed to have been perpetrated by the same 44 year old woman from Mattapan. In one incident on Christmas Eve in 2022, an officer took a report of a shoplifting from Nordstrom Rack where the suspect had requested assistance with viewing high end handbags, and then walked out of the store with them once an employee had unlocked them. The stolen items totaled about $1,700.
The suspect is the subject of criminal complaints for about six prior shopliftings at Nordstrom Rack. Police are sending a summons to her last known address, and if necessary, will follow-up with a warrant for her arrest if she fails to adequately respond.
It Takes a Village to Find a Wallet
9:37 p.m. A resident of Colburn Street reported that his wallet was stolen from inside a family vehicle on May 18th. The resident told police that he had taken money out of the local ATM machine, then drove the car home and parked in the driveway around 6:30 p.m.
Sometime during that evening, another family member took the car, where the complainant believes he left his wallet. When the family member returned with the vehicle, the complainant checked the car, but could not find the missing wallet.
On May 19, around 8:45 a.m., a neighbor knocked on the door and returned a number of items from the wallet, including a credit card, and informed the complainant that the items were found in a pile on a lawn on Nahatan Street.
The resident walked to the Nahatan Street location and found additional items from his wallet, which had been discarded in another area of the lawn. The resident also found that he had missed a phone call from Westwood Fire Department the previous evening. The fire department notified him that his missing wallet had been turned in to Fire Station One on High Street. The resident retrieved his wallet and learned that it had been found on the side of High Street.
The resident believes the wallet and its contents are now accounted for, except for $20 in cash.
Fraudulent $19K Business Loan Under Resident’s Name
1:11 p.m. A resident of Woodland Road complained that a business loan for $19,000 had been fraudulently applied for under the resident’s name. The resident became aware of the loan when a collections agency contacted the resident for unpaid amounts once the loan became due. The resident has filed complaints with the Federal Trade Commission and the United States Small Business Administration.
Police Seek Arrest Warrant for Repeat Shoplifter
5:57 p.m. A loss prevention investigator for the Marshall’s store on University Avenue told police that on April 16th, a woman from Framingham placed clothes in a cart and left without paying. The value of items taken was over $1,500. The suspect has a record with multiple active warrants for other instances of shoplifting. Police are applying for an arrest warrant at Dedham District Court, due to the fact that the suspect already has numerous defaults in failing to show up to answer to charges in the past.
Using Another Person’s Address for Billing
10:37 a.m. A resident of Lynn Terrace reported that a few months ago, the resident began to receive mail addressed to “Tamarai McGawon,” which is a name no one in the resident’s family has ever heard of. It appears that Tamarai McGawon is using the Westwood resident’s address for bills to be delivered. The resident has received three billing statements from American Eagle credit card and mail from a bank that is related to an unfamiliar account.
An officer contacted the fraud department of one of the issuing banks, which refused to give the officer Tamarai McGawon’s phone number. Instead, the bank employee told police that the bank would contact Tamarai McGawon for an updated address.
Police advised the Westwood resident to contact credit reporting agencies and any banks and credit card companies with which the resident does business and alert them to possible fraud.
Racoon in the Chimney
1:35 p.m. A resident of Juniper Ridge Road called police after watching a racoon climb in and out of the resident’s chimney multiple times. Westwood’s animal control officer (ACO) advised the caller that it was likely a mother racoon who was nesting just above the chimney flue, given the time of year and propensity of racoons to seek out such places at this time of year.
The ACO advised the resident to play loud music or bang at the base of the flue which may cause them to leave. The resident was advised to avoid trapping the racoon, as a violation of law. The ACO suggested that the resident contact a nuisance wildlife agency which is licensed and skilled in racoon extraction.
Shoplifting Suspect Leaves Phone Number with Store Employee for Inventory Updates
2:43 p.m. Employees at Five Below on University Avenue told police that a young male with blond hair and a white hoodie had left without paying for Funko Pop figurines and trading cards worth about $174. Police contacted the individual with a phone number he had given to an employee, in making a request that the employee call him when certain items became in stock.
The individual was a 21 year-old from Revere, who claimed he had forgotten to pay for the items because he was allegedly bullied and harassed by store employees.
Police advised the individual that he would receive a summons from Dedham District Court for shoplifting. The suspect asked if he could return to the store and make a payment to avoid those consequences. Police informed the suspect that the decision was up to store management.
Vehicle Crashes into Wild Blossom Restaurant
3:15 p.m. Police responded to 301 Washington Street, the address of Wild Blossom restaurant, where a vehicle had struck side of the building. The police report indicates that a woman from Norwood was driving a 2018 Toyota and tried to pull into a parking space on the School Street side of the building, but suddenly accelerated. The vehicle crashed into the side of the restaurant. It also struck a 2017 Toyota which was parked and unoccupied. Westwood Fire paramedics examined the Norwood resident for injuries. No medical treatment was deemed necessary. However, the Norwood driver’s vehicle had to be towed. The second vehicle was able to leave under its own power.
Porch Pirate on Churchill Road
4:47 p.m. A resident of Churchill Road reported a stolen package. The resident told police that at 3:41 p.m. that day, Fed Ex dropped off a package containing a cell phone at the resident’s front door. Two minutes later, the resident’s Ring doorbell camera caught an individual in a black hoodie and black sweats running with the package to a grey minivan that was parked in front of the house. Police are investigating.
Identity Theft after Account is Hacked
9:33 a.m. A resident of Greenacre Drive reported instances of possible identity theft following the possible hacking of her personal information two years ago. She learned about the security breach when a potential employer was conducting a pre-employment background check on the resident.
In February of this year, the resident received a new credit card in the mail from a company from which she already had a valid credit card. She froze the new account.
The resident then received a prepaid VISA credit card from Sutton Bank which she stated she had not applied for. The resident cancelled the prepaid VISA card.
She contacted Westwood Police to make a record of the incidents, in the case of future fraud.
Thieves Steal $1K in Merchandise from CVS
12:47 p.m. An officer took a report from a CVS employee who told the officer that two days earlier, two females aged around 18 to 19 years old, stole items worth a total of about $1,000 from the Washington Street store. The employee told police that the suspects went directly to the back of the store, Aisle 10, and loaded items into a bag(s) which they had brought.
When the employee asked if they needed help, the two suspects left the store with the unpaid merchandise. They stole numerous items related to hygiene such as skin cream cleansers, soaps and scrubs.
Wedding Ring Stolen from Gym
6:41 p.m. A Westwood resident, who is employed by Lifetime Fitness, reported losing her diamond wedding ring at the gym. She had placed it on the treadmill, then left it there. When she returned to retrieve it, it was no longer there. This case has been referred to detectives. The ring is valued at about $12,000.
Complaint Against Dog Barking
3:32 p.m. Westwood’s ACO reported receiving an anonymous letter, delivered to the town, complaining of a dog barking incessantly at a Pond Street address, sometimes as long as two hours at a time and sometimes sounding in distress. The officer advised the dog’s owner of the complaints, which the owner disputed. The owner explained that the two-year old dog is currently enrolled in obedience training and the owner informed the ACO that the dog would be brought in from the yard when it barks. The ACO’s report noted that the dog, which is a pug/boxer/beagle mix, may be a type that has a howling sound while barking, which can be misinterpreted as stressful barking.
Rear-End Accident on High Street
4:51 p.m. Around the 500 block of High Street, a 2018 Jeep driven by a juvenile female rear-ended a 2023 Lexus driven by a woman from Attleboro. The Lexus was slowing to make a left turn when the Jeep crashed into it. The juvenile female driver of the Jeep told police that she was unable to stop in time.
The airbag in the Jeep deployed and the Jeep sustained major damage.
The Lexus received minor damage. It contained an infant in a car seat. The Attleboro driver elected to have her child transported to Boston Children’s Hospital to be evaluated for any injuries.
Police issued the driver of the Jeep a citation for following too closely.
Thanks to Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and the Westwood Police Department for contributing information for this Westwood Minute article.