Westwood Minute Community Guidelines


Hi, all - it's been a while since we reposted guidelines for participation on the Westwood Minute platform, so thought it would be timely to re-share. Please join in the conversation! To help keep our community a safe and welcoming platform, please keep in mind the following guidelines:

1. State your opinion/reply/comment respectfully.

2. Give other community members the benefit of a doubt. You deserve the same.

3. Keep comments constructive and argue the issue, rather than attack the person. Arguing against a person's position is fine, but please avoid name calling.

4. Disagreeing, taking an unpopular position, or arguing a point are NOT reasons for removal. Westwood Minute is very reluctant to remove any comments and posts -- free speech and open debate is important, along with the practice of engaging in constructive disagreements. However, personal attacks, profanity, self-serving promotions, and discriminatory or inflammatory remarks are subject to removal.

5. Confusing posts may be removed to keep postings relevant and useful to readers, but again, the goal is to avoid removing any postings whenever possible.

6. Westwood Minute seeks to publish and highlight news and events of local interest that inform and are accessible to the community. As such, there is no cost to register for an account to post community information. However, please try to keep and news and event postings to happenings that can be accessed by our community at an entry cost of around $35 or less per person. Some flexibility may be allowed on a case-by-case basis, especially for non-profit organizations. However, postings that are not primarily informational and which have excessive access fees may be considered self-serving promotions. As such, they may be removed. Consider advertising as an alternative, and contact WestwoodInAMinute@gmail.com for assistance with rates, design, and/or posting.

7. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out and email WestwoodInAMinute@gmail.com.

Thanks for being part of the Westwood Minute community!

These guidelines were last updated 9/28/2023 at 9:33 p.m. This information was originally posted as a public notice on 4/25/2023 at 10:20 p.m.

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