Image by John Phelan from CCSearch
In case you missed it, here's a quick summary of the actions taken by Select Board at its August 8, 2021 meeting
Chair Michael Walsh announced that Fox 25 will feature Westwood in its Zip Trip series to air on Friday, September 3, 2021 between 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Zip Trip is a live broadcast in its 18th year with Boston 25 News. The Zip Trips in 2021 will mix live interviews with pre-taped features and highlight the town's sense of community along with residents and attractions. Mr. Walsh noted the involvement of Westwood resident Heather Hegedus. Ms. Hegedus is an Emmy award winning journalist who has worked for Boston 25 News as both an anchor and reporter.
The Select Board quickly and unanimously approved the request presented by Ms. Connie Rizoli to hold the Interfaith Walk for Hunger on October 14, 2021. Ms. Rizoli noted that while last year's walk was virtual, organizers hope to host an actual walk this year, returning to a familiar route that starts from Temple Beth David. The event traditionally runs from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Christian, Jewish, and Muslim houses of worship in Westwood, Norwood, Medfield, and Sharon are involved this year.
Westwood Environmental Action Committee, an advisory committee to Select Board, provided updates on its activities.
WEAC noted that community electricity aggregation has allowed Westwood the ability to enter bulk energy purchasing which can result in more competitive rates for Westwood residents seeking to purchase renewable energy. A program to present residents with options to purchase 50 percent or 100 percent of their electricity from renewable energy suppliers at competitive rates is currently before the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities for review.
WEAC is also advocating to the Select Board that all new municipal projects engage a sustainability subcommittee at the outset of the project. WEAC based its recommendation on what it says were fruitful discussions as a participant in the School Building Sustainability Subcommittee.
WEAC reported that it is working with Town Planner Abigail McCabe and Westwood's Planning Board on the issue of revising the town's by-laws to bring them in line with the state's solar by right requirement. To comply with state law, Westwood's by-laws must not unreasonably regulate or prohibit the installation of solar energy systems or the building of solar energy collecting structures. The exceptions to this general rule are instances where necessary to protect public health, safety or welfare.
Regarding a town Sustainability Manager, WEAC is drafting a job description for this position. WEAC notes the position is needed to help the town align with state goals of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles, buildings and operations to zero by the year 2050.
WEAC also reported that it will have a table on Westwood day. It hopes to educate and be a resource to residents on topics including composting.
The Select Board granted a request by the developer of the Islington Redevelopment to delay a traffic signal timing study which was one of the obligations under a special permit for the development project. The developer, Mr. Georgio Petruzziello, requested that the obligation to complete a traffic study be delayed for 6 months after full occupancy is achieved for the 18 residential condominiums and 13,000 square feet of commercial space. The attorney representing the developer noted that traffic patterns would best be studied after occupants are installed. After discussion with Select Board members who voiced concern over tying the obligation to a full occupancy requirement, the developer and Select Board agreed that a delay would be granted but specific wording for the delay would be worked on among Select Board, staff, and the developer.
Select Board voted unanimously to extend current outdoor seating and service of alcohol licenses to April 1, 2022. Without such action, outdoor seating and service of alcohol was set to expire on August 15, 2021. The extended licenses will apply to Chiara Bistro, Toast Office and Bibi.
Select Board opened a warrant for a special Town Meeting on October 1, 2021, regarding a new Hanlon School, and will close the warrant at its next meeting of August 30, 2021. Currently, there are 2 articles - a petitioner article and an article regarding borrowing for the Hanlon elementary school building project.
Select Board rejected a request by the Chair of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Committee to make a statement regarding the Gay Street sidewalk because it was not on the agenda for this meeting. However, it committed to reserving time for that discussion on the next meeting's agenda.
Select Board also voted unanimously in favor of holding 3 unassigned articles open as placeholders for potential issues that may arise, but there appeared to be some confusion as to whether the verbiage voted on was sufficient to accomplish that end. There was some confusion whether Fall Meeting or Special Town Meeting would be the correct reference. Select Board left it to Town Counsel Patrick Ahearn to come up with clarified language.
Discussion ensued regarding whether a Fall Town Meeting was necessary, given the proximity of a date for a special Town Meeting. Ms. Pam Dukeman and Mr. Christopher Coleman reported their perspective that there is no need to request action on town finances. Ms. Dukeman noted the town's fiscal positions are balanced, funded, and adequately in place for 2022. A decision on this topic will be made at the next Select Board Meeting on August 30, 2021, tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m.
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Updated 08/22/2021 at 8:59 p.m. This article has been revised to delete incorrect attribution of a petitioner article to the Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Committee. While that committee has asked the Select Board to consider an article to fund the Gay Street sidewalk, it has not submitted a warrant article. The petitioner article concerns another issue.