
This week, boxes of books are being opened and placed on shelves at the Islington Branch Library, but the library’s reopening date depends in part upon staffing, said Library Director Elizabeth McGovern at the Board of Library Trustees meeting on Monday, January 10, 2022. In December, the board had announced an anticipated opening date of late January.
There are some issues that need to be addressed, if not settled, noted the board. Along with the issue of ensuring adequate staffing, there is a question of how to best communicate the use of the flexible space on the bottom floor of the branch library’s new home of Wentworth Hall at 273 Washington Street.
Wentworth Hall also houses offices for Westwood Youth and Family Services (WY&FS) and the Early Childhood Office. The flexible space on the basement floor will be space shared not only among the building's occupants, but also by Recreation Department programs and the community.
The large, rectangular room was designed to have a moveable wall as a divider. However, due to supply chain issues, no wall is yet in place. Ms. McGovern anticipates that for at least the next six months, instead of being a space that multiple parties can simultaneously use, the bottom floor will likely host one party at a time.
Currently, library staff is meeting quarterly with WY&FS, the Early Childhood Office, and Westwood Recreation to coordinate the scheduling of programs in the flexible space. Ms. McGovern noted that the library has been working well and in cooperation with the other groups.
The board also discussed that there is only one restroom in the flexible space. Once a divider is installed, access to the single restroom might entail a person walking through another party’s meeting. How to maintain privacy or maintain access to the restroom when different groups are simultaneously using the space is an issue under discussion.
"It's a little disappointing from what was expected," said Trustee Mary Beth Persons, who noted that she was part of the Islington Task Force which was involved in envisioning the space.
The board agreed that the library should be almost or fully functional before it opens to the public. The board discussed the importance of ensuring that the public can successfully use the library and what it offers before it is reopened.
Regarding what new books may go on library shelves in the future, the board discussed a draft Strategic Plan that includes modernization and development of the library collection. A suggestion was made to seek input from “department heads” for subject matter expertise. There will also be an opportunity for community input. A final plan should be approved by the end of June and placed on the library’s website, said Ms. McGovern.
Trustee Mary Masi-Phelps also noted her appreciation to town residents for the library’s successful fundraising effort for its 21st Century Fund. Donations from residents have increased from $11,000 the previous year to $15,000 this year. Ms. Persons noted that the same number of people have donated, but larger donations were made this year.
Fundraising within the business community was discussed as well, with possible naming opportunities. Deciding upon a policy on what can be named was discussed as an initial step.
Secretary Jessica Cole announced her decision not to run for re-election when her term expires in April 2022. Chair Paul Fitzgerald did not announce whether he plans to seek re-election. His term also expires this year.