
The registration period has opened for Westwood's youth sports for the upcoming spring season in soccer, lacrosse, and softball and learn to skate/play in hockey. Westwood Minute knows that parents in town juggle many balls in the air, including multiple sports registrations across multiple kids! This post provides available information and quick links, all in one place, to help parents cross this item off their list of multitasking To Dos:
New and fall soccer players in grades 3 to 8 can register for spring. Online registration is open through November 30, 2022. Players in grades kindergarten to grade 2 who played in fall do not need to re-register; however, new grade K to 2 players who did not play in fall but want to play in spring should contact Practices take place during the week and games are on Saturdays. More information is at
There are two sessions of Learn to Skate/Learn to Play at Babson Skating Center in Wellesley. This program is for children of all ages who have little to no skating or hockey experience. The first session begins in early November and is held on upcoming Saturday mornings, from 8:40 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Session two runs from early January to March. Registration information is available here.
Registration is ongoing through January 15, 2023 for both new and experienced boys in grades 1 to 8. The organization notes that new players are welcome to begin learning the sport at any grade level. Practices usually are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and begin in March. Games are played on Friday evenings from April through June. For more information, click here.
Registration for softball is open now and through February 12, 2023 to youth from kindergarten to eighth grade. The season starts in late April and runs through mid-June. Players participate in four divisions (kindergarten and grade 1, grades 2nd and 3, grades 4 and 5 and grades 6 to 8). The Norfolk County Softball League includes Westwood and the surrounding towns of Dedham, Norwood, and Walpole along with Foxborough and Sharon. Practices are on the weekend and games are about twice each week, usually Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally Friday. More information is available at
As of the posting of this article, the registration period for spring baseball has not yet been announced.
Updated 11/8/2022 at 11:26 a.m. Duplicate text has been deleted.