How to Participate in Town Government - Week of March 19, 2023


Image by John Phelan from Wikimedia Commons.

Of special interest in this week's meetings of Westwood's town government:

Tues. 3/21: Dedham Westwood Water District discusses EPA's proposed PFAS regulations and an update on TTHM sampling

Wed. 3/22: Conservation Commission discusses converting the Obed Baker House to a residential duplex and constructing an animal hospital

Thurs. 3/23: Pedestrian & Bicycle Committee discusses the state's new Vulnerable Road Users Law.


Recreation Commission Meeting via Zoom, Monday, March 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. The commission will discuss updates on pool deck resurfacing, pickleball, and the School Street Playground. Also to be discussed are "February 27 (Spring Registration) Activity Reg Disruption" among other items.

For information on how to join this meeting remotely, click here.


Dedham Westwood Water District Hybrid Meeting, Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. On the agenda are reports from the treasurer, business manager, operations manager and executive director. Included in the executive director's report is an update on EPA's proposed PFAS regulations and an update on TTHM sampling. 

This meeting will be held in-person at 50 Elm Street in Dedham. For information on how to join this meeting remotely, click here.

Planning Board Public Hearings via Zoom, Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.  The board continues its public hearings on:

-Flexible Multiple Use Overlay District (FMUOD) special permit for rehabilitation and expansion of the historic Obed Baker House and construction of a veterinary facility

- FMUOD special permit for mixed-use redevelopment at 436 Washington Street

- Environmental Impact & Design Review (EIDR) for continuation of the allowance for outdoor seating as permitted during the COVID-19 emergency, and special permit for reduction of required off-street parking at Bibi's Cafe

-  Wireless Communication Overlay District special permit for upgrades and changes to wireless communication facility at 690 Canton Street (d/b/a Verizon Wireless)

- Earth Material Movement EIDR for the property referred to as "0 Gay Street" or "403 Gay Street" regarding earth disturbance, slopes greater than 15%, and import of earth material in the construction of a new single family dwelling. The land is identified as Assessor's Map 22, Lot 014.

For information on how to join this meeting remotely, click here. This meeting will also be broadcast and recorded by Westwood Media Center on its YouTube channel.


Conservation Commission In-Person Public Hearings and Meeting, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. The commission will hold public hearings on:

- Converting the Obed Baker House into a residential duplex with a rear addition; demolishing the cemetery maintenance shed and constructing an animal hospital

- New construction at 326-350 Blue Hill Avenue

-New home, barn improvements and new arena at 215 High Street

- Construction of a new single-family home with landscaping at 510 Far Reach Road

The commission will also discuss a potential tree policy/ordinance/bylaw and a potential Conservation Land Management Plan, among other items. 

This meeting will be held in the Champagne Meeting Room at the municipal building at 50 Carby Street. For more information, click here.


Sewer Commission Meeting via Zoom, Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. The sewer commission will discuss updates on 2023 Spring ATM Capital request, Clapboardtree pump station construction, inflow and infiltration, and second meter, among other items. 

For information on how to join this meeting, click here.

Charter Review Committee In-Person Meeting, Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. The committee will discuss presentations at the Finance and Warrant Commission meeting(s) and at the Annual Town Meeting. This meeting will be held in the Jaillet Meeting Room of the Westwood Police Station at 588 High Street. For more information, click here.

Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Committee In-Person Meeting, Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. The committee will hear updates from police, public works, and planning. It will discuss sidewalk construction projects, complete streets policy, and the Massachusetts Vulnerable Road Users Law (H5103) among other items. 

This meeting will be held in the Champagne Meeting Room at the municipal building at 50 Carby Street. For more information, click here.

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