Local Quilt Guild Recognized by Habitat for Humanity with Random Act of Kindness Award


Photo courtesy of Rhododendron Needlers Quilt Guild. Westwood resident Abby Sullivan, Habitat homeowner and quilt recipient Malkis Amaya, and Old Colony Habitat for Humanity CEO Kimberly Thomas celebrate RNQG's award for Random Act of Kindness.

Local quilters were honored when Westwood resident Abby Sullivan, president of the Rhododendron Needlers Quilt Guild (RNQG), along with guild members from Dedham, Nortan, Medfield and Franklin, received on behalf of the quilters' organization the Random Act of Kindness Award when Old Colony Habitat for Humanity held its May 8th Celebration of Philanthropy Award Ceremony.

Ms. Sullivan was standing in for Comfort Quilt Chairperson Terry Ruta of Norton, and received the award along with guild members Gail Williams of Dedham, Diana Annis of Norton, Maura Woodard of Medfield and Lisa Steinka of Franklin.

Photo courtesy of Rhododendron Needlers Quilt Guild. An award for Random Act of Kindness was presented to the local quilt guild for its donation to Old Colony Habitat for Humanity homeowners.

Kimberly Thomas, CEO of Old Colony Habitat for Humanity, an organization that through volunteer labor builds affordable housing for people in need, recounted how she received a call from Ms. Ruta, who offered quilts to Habitat's new homeowners. Ms. Thomas described how the new homeowners were grateful to receive the gift of warmth, comfort, and beauty for their newly built home.

Ms. Sullivan was touched, says the quilt guild in a press release. RNQG notes that as Ms. Sullivan walked past the recent Habitat homeowners from Attleboro, the children expressed their gratitude for their quilt. The guild calls the award ceremony  "heartwarming" and notes that the award which RNQG received is a reflection on "all the comfort quilt creators in the guild."

Photo courtesy of Rhododendron Needlers Quilt Guild. RNQG Guild members at ceremony - Maura Woodard, Lisa Steinka, Diana Annis, Gail Williams and Abby Sullivan

The quilt guild’s philanthropy includes donating an average of 100 comfort quilts per year through local social service agencies such as Habitat for Humanity, The Home For Little Wanderers and Hospice Agencies, as well as supporting the New England Quilt Museum. It also provides a scholarship to a graduating senior from a high school in the guild's member network and gives a donation to the public library in the student's town, for the purpose of purchasing materials about art.

RNQG has been in existence since 1983. Its 76 members come from 35
towns around southeastern Massachusetts. Guild meetings are the third Wednesday of each month from
September through June at 7:00pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Walpole. Those interested in joining the guild in its 40th year can visit mqg.org for specifics.

Thanks to Rhododendron Needlers Quilt Guild for sharing this news with Westwood Minute.

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