LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Westwood's Poet Laureate thanks residents and town for one year of poetry


To the editor:

Reviewing my first year as Westwood’s inaugural Poet Laureate, I realize how many individuals have made it possible for me to present so many poetry opportunities and events, from poetry workshops for adults at the Westwood Library, to mini-workshops for elementary and middle school students, to public poetry readings and a children’s poetry festival during February school vacation week.

None of this would have been possible without support and encouragement from the following individuals and groups: the Westwood Select Board members; Town Administrator Chris Coleman; Lizzy McGovern, Westwood Library Director and her excellent staff and the Friends of the Westwood Library.

Thanks also to the Westwood School Department and to the teachers and school librarians who welcomed me and poets to Hanlon, Downey, Deerfield, and Thurston for workshops, and to Westwood High School for hosting Massachusetts poets and the Teen Poetry Slams, with a big shoutout to Westwood High librarian Theresa Fisher, and English teacher Kieran Moriarty.

Many hands and talents coalesced to make the Westwood Library Children’s Poetry Festival, with headliner Cuban-American poet Richard Blanco, a rich and inspiring experience for children and adults alike: Nancy Tupper Ling, Margie Leonard, Katy Sechler, Lucie Sechler, Sam Schmitz, Ethan Walsh, Darlene Cancell, Julia Beauregard, Westwood Media Center, the Tuesday Evening Poets, and graphic artists Maryam Mallick and Gina Maranto. Endless thanks to Richard Blanco, who was interested in our project from the start and gave Westwood families his talent, time and energy, sharing his poetry and speaking personally with each person who waited in a long line to have books signed and chat with him about poetry.

I am also grateful to the Westwood Cultural Council, the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the Westwood Public Library 21st Century Fund, who responded generously to my requests for funding, totaling $7100 in grants and gifts that funded over 20 separate poetry events.

My sincere thanks to all who helped me raise up the art of poetry in Westwood!

Lynne Viti

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