With Permitting Hurdles Cleared, Town of Westwood Advances Plans for New Fire Station 1


Image courtesy of Town of Westwood. Pictured is a rendering of the proposed design for a new Westwood Fire Station 1 on High Street.

After obtaining all necessary permits, the Town of Westwood officials are preparing to go forward with putting a new Fire Station 1 (FS1) out to bid and asking Westwood residents to approve project costs and borrowing, according to a presentation to Westwood’s Select Board by Westwood's Deputy Town Administrator Molly Fitzpatrick. She provided an update on the planning process at Select Board's remotely held meeting on January 6th.

The new, modern station is proposed to be built on the current site of the existing Fire Station 1, the headquarters of Westwood Fire Department, at 637 High Street in Westwood.

A next step will be presenting the project in detail to Westwood’s Finance and Warrant Commission (FinCom) on January 14th, said Ms. Fitzpatrick. Dates Ms. Fitzpatrick gave for advancing the project include:

  • January 14 - Presentation to FinCom
  • February 4 – Community Meeting
  • March – Construction bid to go out
  • April 28 – FinCom Public Hearing
  • May 19 – Town Meeting vote (to approve funding to build a new FS1)
  • June 3 - Special Town Election (at the ballot, on the question of whether to allow borrowing for the FS1 project to proceed as a debt exclusion from Prop 2 ½)

Westwood Minute notes that the debt from the proposed FS1 project would fall under a debt exclusion from Proposition 2 1/2, the Massachusetts law that otherwise limits annual property taxes in a town. In the last few decades in Westwood, Westwood Minute is aware of three construction projects of exempt debt – Westwood High School, Westwood Public Library, and the new Pine Hill School. Approval of the new fire station would make it the fourth such project on that list.

After town officials have laid all the groundwork for a new FS1, there are still yet two approvals required by town residents for the project to become a reality. Residents must approve funding for the construction (Town Meeting vote), and residents must approve the borrowing to proceed as a debt exclusion (Special Town Election).

Ms. Fitzpatrick noted that the costs of construction continue to hold at just under $40 million, and that another cost estimate will be obtained this February.

Town of Westwood Finance Director Stephanie McManus explained a likely borrowing scenario and impact to a hypothetical town resident. The Town of Westwood would issue long-term debt for a term of 30 years, at an interest rate of 4.25 percent (estimated), she said. The impact of the borrowing cost to the “average” single family homeowner with home value of $1,204,037 is estimated to be $368 on an annual basis. 

Over the 30 year period, with an assumed interest rate of 4.25 percent, the total cost of the project to the Town of Westwood would come to $71,514,368, she said. A caveat is that both construction costs and interest rates can change from those Ms. McManus used in her example.

Ms. Fitzpatrick noted that throughout last year, the FS1 Working Group asked itself whether fire station design features and elements were “must haves” or “nice to have.” She noted that the project team modified the station design to reduce expenses. The building design footprint was reduced by 3,500 square feet. Additionally, public meeting space and some parking spaces were eliminated. These and other changes saved about $3 million, she said.

Design elements that have been retained include features deemed essential. These include apparatus bays, training spaces, decontamination facilities, and dormitory areas for a modern department that includes both male and female employees.

“The new station will be a game-changer for our department and the community we serve,” said Westwood's Fire Chief Lund. “The current facility has significant limitations that hider our ability to provide efficient and effective emergency response. This project ensures we are prepared to meet Westwood’s public safety needs for decades to come.”

According to the Town of Westwood, the existing FS1 is no longer viable due to size and safety concerns, being critically undersized at 14,000 square feet. It also faces numerous structural issues, including foundation cracks and failing floors. It does not meet current safety, accessibility, or operational standards, say town officials.

These deficiencies have been known for some time. It was at a Special Town Meeting in January 2024 that Westwood residents committed funding toward the issue, by approving funding for the design and related bid process for a new FS1.

The FS1 Working Group is comprised of Westwood Fire Chief Steven Lund, Assistant Fire Chief Colin McCarthy, fire department deputies, Town Administrator Christopher Coleman, Deputy Town Administrator Molly Fitzpatrick, Director of Community and Economic Development Nora Loughnane, Facilities Director James McCarthy, Building Commissioner Mike Perkins, Select Board Chair Joe Previtera, representatives from Westwood’s Permanent Building Committee and representatives from the architecture firm Dore + Whittier, and project manager Vertex.

Thanks to the Town of Westwood for sharing information for this Westwood Minute article.

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