Public Notices and Press Releases

WHS CANCELS CHINESE PROGRAM (petition below)(opinion)

This post expresses the views and opinions of the author(s) and not necessarily that of Westwood Minute management or staff.

The Westwood Public Schools Committee has recently announced its intention to cut Westwood High School's Chinese program.  The decision to cut the Mandarin program at Westwood High has left students, parents, and the community shocked and frustrated. This program isn’t just another class or elective, it’s a necessary part of education that connects its students to an increasingly global future in which OVER 1.1 BILLION PEOPLE SPEAK MANDARIN.

For many years, Mrs. Spollen has been a beloved and impactful teacher to her students at WHS, dedicating herself to helping students master a valuable language and understand a rich culture. Her commitment has made a lasting impact on countless students, and losing her and the program partway through many of her students' high school careers is a blow to their education and futures.

Studies show that 70% of high school graduates wish they had more language options to better prepare for college and their future careers. Cutting the Mandarin program doesn’t just take away a class, it limits students' opportunities to grow, compete, and succeed in a heavily connected world.

Westwood is a school that values diversity and academic excellence. Eliminating this program undermines that mission and leaves current Mandarin students in the dust limiting their academic potential.

We, as a part of the WHS community, are asking the school to reconsider and preserve the Mandarin program and Mrs. Spollen’s role in it.

Let the signatures on this petition show the impact and need of the Mandarin program at Westwood High School.

Petition link here:

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