Fatal Collision of Train with Pedestrian in Norwood is First Such Tragedy in 3 to 4 Years

The person who died after being hit by an MBTA commuter rail train on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, was a male, approximately 40 to 50 years old, and the call alerting Norwood Police Department (Norwood PD) to the incident came from transit police at 4:28 a.m., said Norwood PD Officer Andrew Jurewich, who provided additional details to Westwood Minute, one day following the accident.

Transit police informed Norwood PD of a possible “pedestrian versus train” situation on Railroad Avenue, with a reference to the 14.3 mile marker, said Officer Jurewich. 

Several Norwood PD officers and patrol officers responded, along with Norwood Fire Department. The response team investigated the area around a southbound Franklin/Foxboro Line train, and observed that a man had been struck. Norwood PD then notified the transit police department and the Norfolk District Attorney that a death was involved.

Until this Wednesday, MBTA trains running through Norwood have been free of such tragic accidents for around at least three years, estimated Officer Jurewich.

According to past reporting by NBC 10 NEWS and the Boston Globe, 68 year-old Steven Inchiera of Norwood was struck and killed by a Franklin Line train, near Norwood Central Station on February 5, 2019. It was one of 16 trains that had been added into service to handle the anticipated crowds of New England Patriots fans attending a parade celebrating the Patriots’ Superbowl win over the Los Angeles Rams.

A review of media reporting before that 2019 accident seems to indicate that going back to 2012, fatalities involving people and the Franklin Line train appear to have occurred at least once every 1 to 3 years. 

Thanks to Norwood Police Department and Officer Andrew Jurewich for speaking with Westwood Minute.

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