Westwood In A Minute: Crocus Blooms to Welcome Spring


Photo by Westwood Minute/Darlene Wong Cancell. The last afternoon sun of the winter season shines through the petals and leaves of spring's first blooms.

Tuesday, March 19th marks the first day of Spring for 2024.  Look for the crocuses, forsythia, and daffodils to be making their appearances. What's growing in your garden? 

Photo by Westwood Minute/Darlene Wong Cancell. Yellow crocus blooms between two bulbs, the first sign of spring.

Have you seen or experienced something interesting or noteworthy in the local area? If so, you have a Westwood minute to share! Go ahead and create a free account to post a short description and/or a photo. Or for assistance, send your submission to WestwoodInAMinute@gmail.com.

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