
This weekend offers a number of intriguing ways to spend some time. Feed your fascination with a listen to author John O'Connor's chronicling of our enduring cultural obsession with Bigfoot at Westwood Public Library. And it's the opening weekend for Needham Community Theatre's production of The Crucible - watch what happens when accusations of witchcraft spiral out of control. Check out these and more ideas for your weekend, below.
Have an event to share with our community? Register and post it to the Westwood Minute Calendar for free! Westwood Minute is pleased to announce that it recently hit a new high mark of over 35,000 page views per month - proving that it's a great platform to help you spread the word. For questions or assistance, contact
Westwood Public Library
Bigfoot spotted in Westwood? Okay, not quite! But we do have John O'Connor, author of the new book "The Secret History of Bigfoot: Field Notes on a North American Monster," coming to the Westwood Public Library. John's book is a journalistic adventure into the wildlands of America to chronicle our enduring cultural obsession with Bigfoot. [more details]
Barlow Lane
The Aaron Guild Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) will be holding its Annual Garage/Estate Sale from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
For sale will be household items, jewelry, kitchen utensils, bric-a-brac, toys, books, tools, small furniture, and estate items. Come early for the best selection!
[more details]
Barlow Lane
The League School for Autism has reimagined its traditional 5K run/walk into a Family Fun Run +5K to build inclusion of the school's neurodivergent students with Autism, their families, and the entire community. [more details]
Fire Station 1
Westwood Fire Station 1 will be open for the public to view its operations and facilities from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., with the aim of providing insight into the facility's current limitations. [more details]
690 High Street
Nine Westwood Artists show their handmade work in the shopping plaza between the U.S. Post Office and Toast Office restaurant, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This event will be held rain or shine. [more details]
Animal Rescue League Administrative Building
The Animal Rescue League of Boston and Dedham Animal Control are hosting a no-appointment, walk-in rabies vaccine clinic, open to residents of Dedham and Westwood, and non-residents. Both rabies vaccines and microchips can be obatined at a cost of $10 each for non-residents, and are free for Dedham residents. [more details]
Stone Field
Walpole is celebrating its 300th anniversary in 2024 and this year's Walpole Day will include a parade, Kidz Zone, police/fire/army vehicles, demonstrations and displays, vendors, live music, food options and more. [more details]
Needham Community Theatree
The Crucible (by Arthur Miller) is inspired by the witch trials in Salem Village in 1692 and won the Tony Award for Best Play in 1953.
A group of young girls in the town accuse each other and the enslaved woman Tituba of witchcraft. Watch what happens when accusations spiral out of control.[more details]
You're in the loop! For more things to do, or to post your own event, visit Westwood Minute's Community Calendar.