Westwood Teacher Shares Appreciation for a Special Community Member . . . the Bus Driver


Photo courtesy of Meghan Walsh. Sheehan School bus driver Rick Keefe is recognized for the care he gave to the students he transported to school each day.

Editor's note: For members of the Westwood Public Schools community, the last day of school before summer break was Friday, June 14, 2024.

By Meghan Walsh

My elementary classroom in Westwood is located at the front of our school, and when my windows are open, I can often hear the bus students arriving in the morning. Every day, I look forward to sitting by the window and listening as Mr. Rick Keefe, one of our amazing bus drivers, bids farewell to each student. 

One by one, as the students file off the bus, Rick shares a positive message with each of them, addressing them by name. "Have a great day, Henry!", "Make it a good one, Claire!", "Hope the Celts win tonight, Josh!"—these are just a few of the many personalized kindnesses that Rick shouts out.

Photo courtesy of Meghan Walsh. Richard Keefe began his retirement from his job as a bus driver with the close of the 2023-24 school year.

While these messages of love and hope may seem simple to Rick, they make all the difference to our students. Rick ensures that every child feels loved and cared for on his bus. He remembers important events in our students' lives, who their families are, and what brings them joy. When a child has a challenging day, Rick is there to cheer them up.

Friday, June 14th was our last day of school and the beginning of Rick's retirement. As the students left for summer vacation, I couldn't help but think of Dr. Seuss's saying, "To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world." To all of us at Sheehan School, Rick has been the world. His presence has made our school community better and brighter each and every day.

Thanks to Meghan Walsh, a special education teacher at Sheehan School, for contributing this article to Westwood Minute.

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