LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Warming Climate Demands Political Action


Dear Editor:

The temperature threatens to reach over 101° on Wednesday and Thursday. State Senators have the opportunity to take action to address the warming of our climate.

A warming climate poses considerable health risks to vulnerable populations. It increases risks for SIDS, kidney failure, and vector-borne illnesses.

State Senator Mike Rush must use his voting power this week to address one of the most meaningful drivers of climate change: reliance on fossil fuels. Stopping new gas permits and expansions in proposed amendments in the climate bill would support the transition to cleaner energy sources and reduce the immediate health and safety ramifications of building new pipelines. It’s time for our leaders to put the long-term health of our community members ahead of the demands of profit-seeking industries.

I urge Senator Rush to co-sponsor and vote for amendments 14, 15, and 16 that would halt new gas expansion in the climate omnibus bill.

Thank you,

Heather T. Ford

Westwood, MA

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Thank you Heather.  After being a climate activist for 20 years, I find it astonishing that fossil fuels are still our primary source of energy. The gas and oil industries have a stronger chokehold on us than I ever imagined.

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