Westwood's Highest Public Service Award is Presented to Resident at Town Meeting


Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay 

Barb Delisle has been honored as the 2021 recipient of the John Cronin Public Service Award.  Ms. Delisle received the recognition at the awards program preceding the business of the annual Town Meeting held at Flahive Field at Westwood High School on Monday, May 2, 2021. 

Select Board Chair John Hickey gave remarks about Ms. Delisle's years of service to Westwood, while a member of the Cronin family looked on. Congressman Stephen Lynch, in attendance at Westwood's Town Meeting before leaving for two additional such meetings being held remotely, added his compliments and bestowed gifts upon Ms. Delisle.

The John Cronin Public Service Award is the Town of Westwood's highest honor. It recognizes an individual who has served with distinction and remarkable service, in the spirit of John Cronin.  John Cronin was a Treasurer of Westwood for many years, and an active volunteer in the community. He served as president of the Westwood Historical Society and was a founding board member of Westwood Interfaith Council, among many other roles he held in the community.

More than twenty years ago, Ms. Delisle served on the Site Council for Deerfield Elementary School and Thurston Middle School. She was also served on the Westwood Educational Foundation Board of Directors.

 Ms. Delisle's first elected position came in 2001, when she joined the School Committee. She served there for eight years, and was appointed chair for two of those years. During her time on School Board, renovations were undertaken on the Martha Jones and Downey elementary schools, and the new high school was constructed.

Following Ms. Delisle’s service on the School Committee, Ms. Delisle was appointed to Westwood's Finance and Warrant Commission, where she served from 2013 to 2020. She was an active member of the University Station Subcommittee and the Education Subcommittee. She chaired the Finance and Warrant Commission in 2020, holding remote access meeting meetings during the pandemic.

Ms. Delisle has served on Westwood's Roy London Humanitarian Award Committee, and has also received the award herself. The Roy London Humanitarian Award recognizes citizens of Westwood who have demonstrated charitable actions.

Congressman Lynch stated his enormous respect for town government officials who do the hard work each day to keep the town running. He presented Ms. Delisle with a boxed gift, an afghan which he joked he had made, and a framed citation.

Ms. Delisle's name will be added to a list of all past John Cronin Public Service Award winners whose names appear on a plaque at Town Hall.

Ms. Delisle attributed her civic mindedness to growing up with parents who were also volunteers. Ms. Delisle stated, "I want to use this platform to encourage all to find some way to volunteer, whatever way you can, and help continue to make Westwood great. Get involved and make a difference."

Also recognized earlier in the program were several longtime Westwood officials. Outgoing Select Board member Nancy C. Hyde was recognized for her eighteen years of service from 2003 to 2021, which included chairing the group numerous times.  Following the recent Town Election, Ms. Hyde will now step into her new role as the town's Assessor.

Appointees who were recognized included James Galvin, who served 23 years on the Dedham Westwood Board of Commissioners, Robert Shay with 26 years of service on the Personnel Board, and Fred Steves for service on the Audit Committee from its inception in 2013 to 2021.

Additional retiring elected officials who were recognized were Deborah Conant who is retiring from the Planning Board, and Maureen Bleday, who is retiring from the Board of Assessors.

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